Will eating garlic “smelly”? Doctor: But it is also beneficial to human health, I hope you can view it correctly


Speaking of garlic , I believe you are not unfamiliar. As a common condiment in daily life, garlic is also a magical and controversial food.

For those who love garlic, they may never have enough, but for those who don’t like it, they feel deeply disgusted. Although garlic can enhance the body’s resistance, it has the effect of anti-inflammatory and bactericidal, which is good for human health.

But what many people hate is that the taste that garlic brings to us is also very sour, especially the unpleasant smell in the mouth. Talking to people in public can also be very embarrassing, which is why garlic has become a controversial food in people’s mouths.

Does eating garlic “smelly”? Doctor: But it is also good for human health. I hope you can look at it correctly.

Why does eating garlic make your mouth and people stink?

As a pungent food, the odor caused by garlic mostly comes from the taste of the mouth, and the real bad breath is related to many factors. Related, including physiological and pathological factors, bad breath caused by garlic is a physiological effect.

Because garlic has a certain irritant, after entering the human body, the allicin in it will be decomposed into enzymes when it enters the intestines. And between breathing, people can smell the obvious smell.

And this is for those who are addicted to garlic, especially those who love to eat raw garlic. Under this kind of spicy stimulation, it will greatly increase the appetite, resulting in more and more food.

At this time, you will also find that eating garlic is not only reflected in the mouth, it is easy to cause the smell of allyl methyl sulfide. , It is transported to various parts such as the skin through the body’s metabolism, which may eventually make people feel an unpleasant odor on the body.

But after eating garlic, there are certain ways to restrain it, such as brushing your teeth, chewing gum, and drinking a little after eating garlic. Green tea has the effect of inhibiting odor. The most important thing is that garlic also has certain health care effects, and it also has certain benefits for human health.

Eat garlic regularly What are the benefits?

Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal:< /p>

The allicin contained in garlic is a very powerful antibacterial substance, which has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, and can effectively fight exogenous bacteria after ingesting the human body , Endogenous bacterial components, can play a certain resistance and inhibition effect against harmful substances such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Escherichia coli.

So in daily life, eating some garlic properly can effectively enhance the body’s resistance and immunity, reduce the risk of gastric The incidence of intestinal inflammatory diseases and urinary system inflammation.

Detoxification and bowel cleansing:

Appropriate consumption of garlic , can play the role of detoxification and intestinal cleansing, effectively kill or inhibit the reproduction of Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

Helps remove harmful toxins and waste from the intestines, and can also stimulate the gastric mucosa to promote appetite and speed up digestion, thereby helping to protect the stomach Health and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

Lower blood sugar:

Garlic can boost insulin Secretion, which increases the activity of insulin, helps to a certain extent help stabilize blood sugar levels.

For people with high blood sugar, proper consumption of garlic in life can also promote the absorption of glucose by tissue cells, thereby increasing glucose tolerance and reducing the body’s blood sugar levels, while also reducing many complications of diabetes.

Protect the heart and brain:

Garlic is entering After the human body, it can effectively clean up the lipid waste in the blood vessels, keep the blood circulation smooth, maintain the elasticity of the blood vessels, and accelerate the metabolism of fat in the tissue.

< span>Therefore, it can increase fibrin, dissolve activity, reduce cholesterol, avoid platelet aggregation, dilute blood, reduce viscosity, and also help to regulate blood pressure, inhibit the formation of thrombus, effectively inhibit arteriosclerosis, and protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.


Cold prevention:

Garlic contains a certain propylene sulfide capsaicin, which to a certain extent can play a role in anti-inflammatory and sterilization, killing pathogenic bacteria and parasites, effectively preventing cold problems, and can also relieve nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, cough and throat. Pain problem.

Increase appetite:

A certain spicy ingredient contained in the meal can effectively improve the loss of appetite and indigestion to a certain extent, promote the secretion of gastric acid, and improve the digestion of food and absorption speed to achieve the auxiliary effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing.

However, when using it, you should also make appropriate choices according to your physical condition and actual physical condition, as well as your gastrointestinal health. Too much intake will increase the burden on the stomach.

Extended—What else should I pay attention to when eating garlic?

—-Do not consume too much.

Although garlic is good for human health, it is not recommended to eat more garlic, eat too much It will also have a certain impact on human health, which will affect the body’s absorption of vitamin B, and will also cause certain irritation to the eyes, which can easily lead to blepharitis and conjunctivitis.

—Avoid eating on an empty stomach

< p data-track="38">When you take garlic in your daily life, you must pay attention to avoid eating on an empty stomach.

Garlic itself is irritating and corrosive, which will lead to a large amount of gastric acid secretion when fasting , Injuring the gastric mucosa will increase the burden on the stomach. It is recommended that you take it properly at lunch and dinner.

—-Focus on people< /p>

It is rich in nutritional value for itself, but it is not suitable for everyone. For people with liver damage, spicy food such as fungal garlic is necessary To avoid eating in time, to avoid hindering the recovery of their own disease.

It is also necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs regularly and quantitatively under the guidance and advice of doctors to promote the recovery of the liver .

How to eat garlic for the best nutrition?

Garlic is rich in nutritional value, and it also has certain medicinal effects. Everyone has a certain understanding that eating more garlic has certain benefits for human health, but in order to maximize the nutritional value of garlic, we must choose to eat it raw.

Only when garlic is eaten raw can it be used in the most nutritious and healthy way. Allicin, when eaten raw, these substances will not be distributed, and can also exert the best nutrition.

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Due to the unique taste in garlic, many people may not like it, usually Many people pickle garlic to reduce the spicy and irritating taste, so that the substances in garlic can accumulate and eliminate the spicy taste.

At the same time, its bactericidal effect can also be played normally. In addition to no harm to the human body, there are certain antioxidant effect.

Don’t know that you like to eat garlic in your life? Or what should be paid attention to when eating garlic? Please share in the comments section below.
