“Treatment on Rehabilitation and Health”

Aging is an eternal and inescapable topic, a complex and personal process. Since ancient times, immortality and longevity have been the unremitting pursuit of human beings, and the exploration and research on anti-aging has never stopped.

The occurrence and development of aging is closely related to each organ of our body. There is a close relationship, and with aging comes the decline of the functions of the five internal organs. In the theory of aging in traditional Chinese medicine, kidney and spleen have always played a major role in anti-aging and anti-aging. This is because Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation, the spleen is the acquired foundation, and the kidney essence and qi and blood produced by the natural foundation are also important substances for human growth and development. main method. However, the filling of kidney essence and its normal physiological function are inseparable from the dredging of the liver and the regulation of qi. The sparse.

In “Lingshu Tiannian”, there is such an exposition, “At the age of fifty, the liver qi begins to decline, the liver lobes begin to thin, the bile begins to disappear, and the eyes begin to be unclear. Blood and qi are slack, so it is good to lie down. At the age of seventy, the spleen is deficient, and the skin is dry. At the age of eighty, the lung qi is weakened, and the spirit is separated, so the words are good and wrong. At the age of ninety, the kidney qi is scorched, and the four Tibetan meridians are empty. The five internal organs are all deficient, the spirit and energy are all gone, and the body and body will live alone and die.” This article describes in detail the chronological sequence of the decline of the five internal organs in the aging period of the human body, and it is not difficult to find that the liver is the first to show signs of aging among the five internal organs.

Zhang Zhen, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, also believed that ancient doctors simulated natural phenology. It is believed that the liver has the functions of raising hair, stretching, and smoothing the movement of zang-fu organs. And in the relationship chain of the five elements, the liver belongs to wood and resides between water and fire. The liver stores blood and its body belongs to yin, and its function is yang, which is called “body yin and yang” in ancient times. From the perspective of the shape and meaning of Chinese characters, the analysis is made: the word “liver”, the moon is next to the meat, is the fleshy organ, and the word “dried” next to the meat means interrogation, hard pipe, intervention, and is composed of two short horizontal and one. It consists of a long vertical, and if the vertical is extended downwards, it resembles a sword, and with one sword in hand, it can interfere with the behavior of others. With this sharp sword hanging in the body, it can interfere or interfere with the qi mechanism of other zang-fu organs, and affect and regulate the operation of the overall qi mechanism of the human body. Therefore, while nourishing the liver and taking care of the spleen and kidney, it can help the body’s qi mechanism to stretch and move smoothly, promote the liver’s dredging function, and also protect and promote the kidney spleen mechanism, which is the foundation of the innate. This method of one body and two wings can be regarded as a feasible method of anti-aging.

At the same time, Chinese medicine believes that the liver belongs to wood among the five internal organs, and should be the first in the spring. And the gallbladder is sent to the liver, Jueyin, wind, wood and Shaoyang are related to fire, just like the beginning of a year when Shaoyang begins, everything is renewed, the wind is gentle and the sun is bright, and the trees sprouting and branches and leaves reach the occasion. It can be seen that spring is also a good season for nourishing the liver. So what are some suggestions for nourishing the liver and preventing aging in spring? I give the following points.

★ Regulate your emotions and refuse to get angry. We all know that we have a big temper and are easily irritable, and our anger is strong, so we should pay attention to keeping our minds at ease and not get angry at every turn, so as to avoid excessive anger. It is necessary to maintain an optimistic, open and natural attitude at ordinary times, which is conducive to nourishing and protecting the liver.

★Increase sweetness (sweet) and reduce acidity to maintain the spleen and stomach. In the spring, the metabolism is relatively strong, and it should be light to eliminate the spring fire. And eat less sour food, eat more spicy and sweet products. Because the sour taste has astringent effect, eating more will affect the growth of yang in spring, so it should be eaten less. And sweet (sweet), pungent, and warm products are beneficial to promote yang qi, so it should be eaten appropriately. Recommended vegetables: such as leeks, green onions, ginger, garlic sprouts, mustard, coriander, etc.

★ Eat more fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamins. The temperature in spring gradually increases When the humidity increases and the humidity gradually increases, pathogenic microorganisms also begin to multiply, their vitality is enhanced, and it is easy to invade the human body and cause disease. Therefore, sufficient vitamins and minerals should be taken in the diet, which can improve the body’s immune function and enhance the body’s disease resistance. It plays an auxiliary role in preventing diseases. Rich in VitC: cabbage, rapeseed, kale, broccoli, etc.; rich in VitA: carrot, pumpkin, spinach, etc.; rich in VitE: egg yolk, beans, etc.

★ Calmly nourishing Qi and strengthening the spleen. We should focus on supplementing nutrition, strengthening digestion and absorption function, and improving our own immunity. Recommended medicinal and food: Scrophulariaceae, American ginseng, Atractylodes, Chinese yam, etc.

★Drink more water to promote metabolism. In spring, it is advisable to drink scented scented tea, which can help to distribute the cold air accumulated in the body in winter, promote the growth of human yang, and evacuate stagnation.

★Exercise moderately to stretch liver qi. Spring sprouts are green and flowers are in full bloom. It is a good time to go out for a walk and bathe in the sun. Outdoor activities should be increased to achieve the purpose of recuperating the air. Soothing walks, Taijiquan, Wuqinxi, etc. are recommended.