These 5 things are most likely to induce sudden death! High hair in autumn and winter, be careful

Autumn and winter are here again

The weather is getting cooler every day, and northern China has entered the alternate season of autumn and winter. At this time of year, it is very easy for the elderly to suddenly “disappear”. In fact, many of them are due to sudden cardiac death.

Don’t think that this kind of situation belongs to the elderly group, according to the existing information, Sudden death can happen at any age! Including children, adolescents, young adults, and the elderly, especially those who are usually healthy or basically healthy.

Today we will talk about “sudden death” in detail.

The incidence rate is high!

According to statistics, the number of sudden cardiac death in my country is even as high as 3-4 per minute, and the annual number of sudden cardiac death is 544,000, ranking first in the world.

So, what exactly is sudden death? According to the World Health Organization, sudden death refers to the sudden and unexpected non-violent death of a person who appears healthy or dies unexpectedly due to internal or no external causes.

Simply speaking, a healthy person “suddenly disappeared” without external trauma or accidents.

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Non-cardiac sudden death

Common classification and characteristics of sudden death

Sudden cardiac death

Main cause, referring to of cardiovascular disease. Such as coronary heart disease, structural heart disease (myocarditis, pulmonary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, etc.), non-structural heart disease (Marfan syndrome and other genetic factors)

Diseases other than the heart, such as acute pulmonary embolism, severe asthma, acute stroke, severe electrolyte imbalance, etc. Other factors include age, mental factors, strenuous exercise, excessive fatigue, infection, overheating and overcooling Etc

Why is it easy to happen in autumn and winter?

As the temperature drops in autumn and winter, the peripheral blood vessels of the body constrict:

  • On the one hand, it is easy to cause blood pressure to rise , the risk of high blood pressure and cerebral hemorrhage increases;
  • On the other hand, the peripheral vascular resistance of the body increases, which causes blood pressure to increase and heart load to increase, which can easily induce coronary heart disease.

In addition, cold stimulation can cause coronary artery spasm, which can directly affect the blood supply to the heart and induce angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. The viscosity increases, which in turn triggers various heart attacks.

Maybe you will say, isn’t it safe to keep warm?

Wrong! Not only cold, these common risk factors can also increase the possibility of sudden death: emotional agitation, overwork, alcohol consumption, excessive exercise, and even overeating are all unavoidable. (You should also control yourself when you are happy to put on autumn fat!)


· Have an organic heart Patients should also avoid excessive excitement and tension, and control emotional changes. At the same time, they should actively treat diseases that may cause sudden cardiac death, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, etc., so as to effectively prevent sudden death.

These 5 bad habits need to be changed

If you want to stay away from sudden death, it is recommended to change 5 first bad habit.

1/ Sedentary

Studies show that sitting for 8 hours a day compared to less than 4 hours a day Those who exercised very little had a 32% increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

Exercise can reduce this risk, it is recommended to ensureDaily exercise, at least keep walking about 6000 steps.

2/ Stay up late

Studies have found that people who sleep less than those who sleep 8 hours a day People who spend more than 5 hours have a 40% increased risk of heart disease.

It is recommended that everyone avoid staying up late and avoid overwork. Once you feel unwell, go to the hospital for an examination and develop the habit of regular physical examination.

3/Continuous “high pressure” state

Try to avoid extreme fatigue, if you are in a state of “high pressure” for a long time, It is recommended to read books, take a walk, and chat frequently to relieve mental tension.

4/ “Tobacco and alcohol addiction” is too heavy

The nicotine in tobacco will constrict blood vessels and even cause vasospasm . Alcohol can cause a rapid heartbeat and a sharp increase in blood pressure, which can cause adverse events in the heart.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption as early as possible to reduce the risk of heart disease.

5/ Poor diet

This includes irregular and unreasonable eating, such as being hungry for a long time, full One meal, a sumptuous supper after working overtime, will cause obesity and increased blood lipids, thereby increasing the corresponding hidden dangers of disease.

Sudden death signal appears, what should I do?

In addition, “sudden death” is traceable and preventable.

Most patients with sudden cardiac death are accompanied by aura symptoms, most of which appeared several days to several months before the onset Transient chest pain, breathlessness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, palpitations, etc.

Do it!

What should I do if these symptoms do occur?

(1) When you are unwell

Find a safe place to lie down on the spot, call 120 for emergency, and wait for rescue. What is most needed for heart ischemia and hypoxia is rest;

People who can move should find a companion to go to the hospital with them, and carry out relevant examinations in time. Some surveys found that 10 About 100% of sudden death patients died on the way to the hospital.

(2) When others are unwell

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency life-saving skill that each of us should master .

The specific method is: judge the consciousness of the patient. If the patient does not respond and the carotid artery pulse is small, it means that the cardiac arrest requires an immediate call for help and immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Let the patient lie supine on a hard surface, with the head and torso on the same plane, select the midpoint between the two nipples of the patient, place one hand on the back of the other hand, cross the fingers, and press the heel of the palm downward, 100-120 times per minute , the depth is 5~6cm, and give artificial respiration twice for every 30 compressions. Always assist in compressions and wait for the arrival of a professional doctor.

Statement: The copyright of this article belongs to the official account of Helian Health , please do not reproduce without authorization.

Author: Ruizhe