There are always “pustules” and “pimples” on the scalp? Doctor: or 5 reasons, you can check yourself

There are many nerve endings in the sensitive part of the scalp, and the nerve endings are close to the human cerebral cortex, so the information on the scalp can be transmitted to the brain faster.

Under normal circumstances, healthy scalp, no dandruff visible to the naked eye, no itching, loose scalp Not tight, keeps clean and fresh for a long time.

However, when many people look in the mirror, they find that there are many acnes on the scalp, and the pustules are accompanied by itching. Scratching with hands all the time, in severe cases, pus, ulceration and even pain appeared.

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There are always “pustules” and “pimples” on the scalp? Doctor: or 5 reasons, you can check yourself Neglect, first consider your recent living habits, whether you have indulged, such as staying up late, not cleaning your hair properly, or eating a messy diet. Eating some heavy-tasting food affects endocrine.

After adjusting, see if the pustules and bumps disappear, if not, it may be the body Some diseases are summarized as follows:

Endocrine disorders

Many people know about endocrine disorders, but this The situation is related to the growth of pustules on the scalp, yes, endocrine disorders can easily lead to various diseases, hormones in the body are disordered, and it is easier to develop pimples, which is why young people are more likely to appear.

stomach trouble

Maybe you don’t know that stomach disease can also affect your scalp to grow pustules and pimples. The main reason is because of excessive stomach fire, heavy breath in the mouth, and even folliculitis .

< strong>Kidney deficiency

For people with weak kidneys and decreased kidney function, the skin is more Easily oily, with excess sebum production, your scalp is also more prone to pustules and bumps.


< p data-track="15">Many people are very familiar with folliculitis. It is common in daily life to cause bacterial infection if you do not pay attention to hygiene. It prefers to appear on the head, and other parts will also appear mainly Symptoms are itching accompanied by mild pain, which may be small bumps at first, and then turn into pustules, repeatedly.

Seborrheic dermatitis

There is a kind of people who have oily skin. As long as they do not wash their hair for a day or two, it is very oily and difficult to go out. In this case, it is easy to suffer from inhibitory dermatitis. There will be acne-like conditions around, and if it is not treated in time, dark red patches will appear, which are particularly clear and accompanied by itching.


Do these two points to prevent scalp diseases

Clean your hair correctly

When washing your hair, be careful not to put shampoo Apply it directly on the scalp, make foam on your hands, and then wash your hair to avoid irritation to the scalp. When washing your hair, wash it off without leaving any residue.

Even if you use a protective Hair essence should also avoid the scalp and apply it on the hair, which can better avoid the pores on the scalp and do not scratch with your nails when washing your hair. It is best to gently massage the scalp with your fingertips to relax the scalp and promote blood circulation. , to reduce damage.

Different hair types have different prevention methods< /p>

If the scalp is often oily, try to reduce spicy food with strong taste, eat light food, don’t stay up late at night, you can try to wash your hair with sulfur soap, If your scalp is itchy, it’s best to avoid perm dyed hair and use less hair products.

For those with dandruff, you can choose anti-dandruff when choosing shampoo. Seek medical help.


The pimples and pustules on the scalp are unbearably itchy, can you pick them with your hands?

If there are pustules and bumps on the scalp, accompanied by itching, it is unbearable , Many people can’t help but pick it with their hands, which is wrong.

Although your fingernails look clean, there are some things inside that are invisible to the naked eye. Picking fingernails can easily lead to skin damage. In this case, bacteria are more likely to enter the skin lesions, causing bacterial infections and exacerbating the condition.

In this case, it is best to go to the hospital for treatment in time, and take some medicines reasonably under the guidance of the doctor to reduce the At the same time as skin lesions, disinfectants can also be used for disinfection, so that the inflammation will further develop, and it will also help the recovery of the disease.