The distress signal given three or five years before the onset of breast cancer!

Breast cancer is a cancer disease with a very high incidence in women, always ranking among the top few. Prevention of breast cancer with increasing incidence and hidden disease has become an important issue for women!

Now that you know the severity of breast cancer, female friends must want to know more about how to detect breast cancer. Next, I will introduce how to self-check breast cancer~


How to self-check for breast cancer?

Self-examination time:Women with normal menstruation can choose to carry out self-examination on the 9th to 11th day after menstruation. At this time, the influence of estrogen on the breast is the least, the breast is in a relatively static state, and it is easier to detect the lesions.

Postmenopausal middle-aged and elderly women can choose the time of self-examination at will. Women in this age group have less estrogen in their bodies, and the breasts are less affected.

< /p>Three steps for breast cancer self-examination: one look, two touches, three squeezes


strong>Take a look

Look in the mirror when taking a bath:

①Both breasts Whether it is symmetrical;

②Whether the breast skin is sunken, like a small dimple;

③Whether the breast skin has punctate Depressed, like orange peel;

④Whether the nipple and areola are itching, erosion, ulceration, crusting, scaling, with burning pain, and nipple retraction.

02Two Touch

Use five fingers to touch! Gently and elastically massage the breast, and examine the breast in 360°; if there is a lump in the breast, it means the gland is dilated.

General malignant tumors are characterized by deep mass, unclear boundary and hard texture.

03Three squeezes

Squeeze the nipple gently with your index finger and thumb, and healthy nipples will have no fluid.

If the milky white or transparent fluid flows out, it indicates that the mammary duct may expand, so don’t worry about it.

If the liquid is red, it may indicate a malignant tumor, and you must go to a regular hospital for further examination.

< /p>Pay attention to distinguish between benign and malignant breast tumors

benign tumors: smooth surface, clear edges, back and forth when touching Wobble, most of these are breast fibroids.

Malignant tumors:Rough to the touch, with a fixed mass, not on the touch Swing back and forth.

For hard lumps that are not red or swollen, be sure to go to a regular hospital for further examination.


Pay attention to check the position of the armpit and collarbone, because some proliferative tissue may be around the breast in addition to the breast.

Through self-examination, women can determine whether they have breast cancer. Secondly, you can also check whether you have breast cancer through mammography, breast ultrasound, breast MRI, and biopsy.

Do a good job of self-examination on a regular basis, most women can prevent breast cancer in time, but the following groups have a higher risk of breast cancer and should be improved alert.