It is difficult to pinch a man at the same time if he is not strong

It is difficult to pinch a man at the same time.

Chinese medicine believes that rubbing with the palm The waist and eyes can not only dredge the belt veins and strengthen the waist and spine, but also have the functions of improving ears and eyesight, strengthening essence and kidney, and prolonging life. Middle-aged people often rub their waists and eyes. In old age, they can keep their backs straight and prevent low back pain caused by wind and cold. Waist eyes and Guanyuan points are very important aphrodisiac points for men. Proper massage of these two points can not only dredge the veins and strengthen the waist and spine, but also regulate qi and blood well, tonify deficiency and benefit damage. Qiangshen point – waist eye

Common andrology The symptom is backache and low back pain, and another method is also very effective-rubbing the waist and eyes. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that rubbing the waist and eyes with the palm can not only dredge the veins and strengthen the waist and spine, but also have the effects of improving ears and eyesight, strengthening essence and kidney, and prolonging life. Middle-aged people often rub their waists and eyes. In old age, they can keep their backs straight and prevent low back pain caused by wind and cold. Modern medical research has proved that massaging the waist can not only expand the rich capillary network in the local skin, promote blood circulation, accelerate the elimination of metabolites, but also stimulate nerve endings, mildly stimulate the nervous system, and help repair damaged tissues , Improve the endurance of the psoas muscles. Therefore, massaging the waist can play a good role in the prevention and treatment of chronic lumbar muscle strain and acute lumbar sprain, and it also has a certain effect on diseases such as intervertebral disc herniation and sciatica. Location of the waist eye point: the waist eye point is an extra meridian point, in the waist, under the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra, in the depression about 3.5 inches laterally.

Massage method: When self-massaging, first look for the fourth lumbar spine over this horizontal line. The way to find it is that when we put our hands on our hips, we can touch the bones of the waist from behind. This is the iliac crest in anatomy, and the iliac crest is just level with the spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebra of the human body. Then, measure the distance of one palm and a little more from the midline, which is where the waist eye point is. Generally speaking, when massaging, sit upright, make fists with both hands and turn your back naturally, use the raised fists of your index fingers to press the waist and eye points tightly and rotate them vigorously. It is suitable for soreness and swelling. It can be kneaded for 5 minutes each time, and long-term persistence has a good effect of strengthening the waist and strengthening the kidneys.