in bad mood? 5 easy aerobic exercises to help you get rid of depression

Many people are in a negative mood, that is, when they are in a bad mood. Whenever this time, we can go out to participate in sports, and help us through sports. Improve yourself, get sufficient relief, and eliminate negative emotions as much as possible. So what sports do we need to play? Just these 5 sports, can bring you good improvement, let’s understand together.

First: Brisk walking and jogging

Brisk walking every day. Walk outdoors at a speed of 70 to 80 steps per minute, while consciously breathing slowly and breathing quickly when walking fast.

Slowly expand your chest as you inhale, and then exhale quickly. Those with weaker physique can practice for 10 minutes a day at first, and then gradually increase to 30 minutes or even 1 hour a day. You don’t need to ask yourself deliberately, if you can’t do it, just consciously practice for 10 minutes is enough.

Persistence is the most valuable thing. Fast walking and jogging mainly play a role in fitness and sweating. They not only enhance physical fitness, but also improve self-resistance and immune system. The sweating brain can also secrete dopamine, and this type of neurotransmitter is precisely depression. The patient with the disease can meet the elusive messenger of pleasure.

Second: Mountaineering

If you’re in a bad mood, go up a mountain. Mountain climbing is a common sport and usually suitable for doing it with our friends. A few people participating in this mountaineering can increase the oxygen content in our body and help our physical and mental state to be effectively improved.

If we climb regularly, our appearance will be slimmer, our muscles will be exercised, our balance and endurance will be improved, At the same time, we can get a good mood. The benefits of mountaineering are really rich and worth our participation and practice.

Third: Swimming

Swimming is a very good aerobic exercise Yes, people who insist on swimming not only relieve cervical vertebra problems, but also help lumbar vertebra greatly!

Try consciously practicing deep breathing and exhaling while swimming, and occasionally holding your breath. Not only can you activate your own spirit, but also strengthen your body’s flexibility. The fitness effect is also very good!

Of course, both the relief of emotions and the stimulation of the brain are a kind of help of awake and favorable stimulation, that is, to activate the thinking of the brain .

However, swimming is a risky sport. After all, for people with unstable conditions, it is recommended to wait until their condition is stable before implementing them. The situation must be accompanied by someone to avoid unnecessary accidents.

Fourth: skipping rope

skipping rope, this Exercise can be learned as soon as it is learned, and it is also a whole-body exercise. When the weather is bad and it is not suitable for running, you can choose rope skipping at home, and it is most suitable for women.

Fifth: Fitness Dance

Fitness dance is an exercise method that has emerged in recent years. There are many kinds of fitness dances. The main purpose is to lose weight and lower blood lipids. The main form is cheerful and fast-paced exercise, which helps the body get the amount of exercise and allows the body to quickly improve physical signs. Through fitness dance, we can not only feel the cheerful movement rhythm, but also improve our mental health through this cheerful movement rhythm. Participate in fitness dances and improve your mood through fitness dances, so that your mental state will be very good.

Yes A good mood is important. Here are five simple aerobic exercises that can completely help you get rid of depression and improve your mood!