How much iron does the body need every day, depending on age and gender, how much do you need?

The body uses iron for a range of metabolic tasks, including: delivering oxygen to each cell; removing carbon dioxide from cells to the lungs, where it can be exhaled from the body; Food is converted into energy, cells grow and promote a healthy immune system to support a healthy metabolism; produce hemoglobin and myoglobin, two proteins in the body.

Hemoglobin helps carry oxygen molecules throughout the body, while myoglobin binds oxygen and stores it in muscle tissue. Hemoglobin is found throughout the body, whereas myoglobin is only found in muscle tissue. Iron is also used to make hormones that support brain development and growth in children.

One, you know, lack Does Iron Cause Anemia?

The body can store iron when needed, but if the stores are depleted, it can lead to Iron deficiency. Iron deficiency develops in stages, the final stage being iron deficiency anemia. At this point, the body’s iron stores are severely depleted, resulting in low hemoglobin levels, so less oxygen is delivered to cells for energy production.

Symptoms of iron deficiency or anemia include: feeling apathetic, tired, headache, pale skin, Poor tolerance to low temperature and weakness. Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies. Anemia is more common in women of childbearing age because iron is lost during menstruation and pregnancy, but anyone can develop iron deficiency if their diet does not meet daily requirements.

Second, how much iron is reasonable for ordinary people?

The amount of iron people need every day depends on age and gender: 14-18 years old The recommended intake for young men is 11 mg per day; for young women aged 14-18, the recommended intake is 15 mg per day; for men aged 19 and over, the intake is 8 mg per day; for women aged 19-50, the intake is 18 mg per day;51 Women aged 2 and over should consume 8 mg per day; pregnant women should consume 27 mg per day.

Because non-heme iron from plant foods is not as well absorbed as heme iron from animal foods, people on a vegetarian diet need 1.8 times the iron to compensate.

Third, you may often commit these misunderstandings of iron supplementation, come on have a look!

Misunderstanding 1: Hemoglobin is low, only to replenish blood:

Hemoglobin lower than the normal reference value can be diagnosed as anemia, but within the normal reference value range, the possibility of iron deficiency cannot be ruled out. Hemoglobin is a late indicator of iron deficiency.

  • In fact, iron deficiency can be roughly divided into three stages :

The first stage is iron reduction period, theIn the stage, the iron storage in the body decreases, the serum ferritin concentration decreases, and there are no clinical symptoms.

The second stage is the iron deficiency period of erythropoiesis. At this time, in addition to the decrease of serum ferritin, the serum iron decreases, the iron binding capacity increases, and the concentration of free protoporphyrin increases.

The third stage is iron deficiency anemia stage, hemoglobin and red blood cell volume ratio decrease.

Therefore, it is not that the hemoglobin is low, so iron is supplemented, but serum ferritin is used as a laboratory indicator, and corresponding measures are taken in the early stage of anemia.

Misunderstanding 2: Anemia, only know about iron supplementation:

Hemoglobin is composed of one globin and four iron porphyrins. Nutritional anemia is often caused by diet, and the body’s dietary iron sources include heme iron and non-heme iron.

High bioavailability of heme iron , the effective absorption rate is 15% to 35%; non-heme iron is first reduced to ferrous iron before it can be absorbed, and its absorption rate is only 2% to 20%. The heme iron mainly comes from animal food. The protein of animal food is digested and absorbed. On the one hand, it is used as a raw material for animal protein synthesis. An effective promoter of absorption, vitamins such as vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B2 have an important synergistic effect on iron absorption.

Therefore, while using iron supplements, the diversity of food should be ensured, and other Nutrient intake.

Misunderstanding 3: Blind use of iron supplements leads to excessive iron

Under normal circumstances, iron absorption, transport, utilization, storage and loss are regulated by the body to maintain iron balance in the body. However, high doses of iron therapy can lead to iron overload. The target organs damaged by iron overload are mainly the liver, heart, joints, etc., which mainly lead to liver fibrosis, heart failure, etc., and even cause other serious oxidative damage to the body.

Therefore, iron supplementation for anemia should adhere to the principle of “small amount, long-term”. Take the medicine strictly according to the doctor’s advice, and do not increase the dosage on your own to avoid overdose.

Fourth, iron supplementation can be supplemented in this way, which is more scientific

(1) Food iron supplement

①Beans: Beans are a high-quality source of plant-based iron. 1 cup of white beans contains 8 mg of iron, 1/2 cup of cooked lentils contains 3 mg of iron, 1/2 cup of kidney beans contains 2 mg of iron, and 1/2 cup of chickpeas contains 2 mg of iron. Plant sources of iron also include bran flakes and potatoes with the skin on.


②Oysters and other seafood: 85 grams of cooked oysters contain 8 mg of iron, which meets 44% of the body’s daily iron demand. Good seafood sources of iron include: mussels (100 grams of mussels contain 29 mg of iron), sardines (85 grams ofContains nearly 2.5 mg of iron), tuna (100 g of tuna contains 1.6 mg of iron), mackerel (100 g of mackerel contains 1.4 mg of iron), scallops (100 g of 0.5 mg iron). Since iron from animal foods is better absorbed than iron from plant foods, shellfish are a convenient way to get iron if you want to avoid red meat.

③Red meat and beef liver: 85 grams of beef liver contains 5 mg of iron, which can meet 28% of the daily iron requirement of the human body. Steak and other red meats, including organ meats, are also good animal sources of iron.

(2) Drug iron supplementation:

Clinically, vitamin C and ferrous sulfate tablets are mainly used to treat pregnancy complicated with iron deficiency anemia, but after taking the medicine, it will cause great irritation to the patient, and easily cause adverse effects such as constipation and gastrointestinal discomfort. Response, patients’ medication compliance is poor, and the effect of medication is not ideal.

Compared with ferrous sulfate tablets, Huataixie Susheng Iron Dextran Dispersible Tablets The treatment effect is better and the safety is higher. Iron dextran belongs to the third generation of oral iron preparations, with iron complex and dextran as the main components, which is a soluble iron element. After the drug enters the human body, iron dextran can effectively supplement the iron elements needed in the blood of patients , to relieve clinical symptoms.

Related studies have shown that iron dextran dispersible tablets are highly soluble and more easily absorbed by the human body. Choosing different dosages according to the degree of anemia can not only ensure the safety of the drug, but also fully supplement the iron content, and the effect is obvious .

  • You can also eat some foods that help iron absorption while supplementing iron:

In addition to eating foods with high iron content Food, you can also help your body make better use of these sources by adding certain foods that contain beta-carotene or ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Both of these substances are antioxidants that can help Protects cells from aging and stress while helping the body absorb more iron. Foods high in beta-carotene include: carrots, kiwis, oranges, bell peppers, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and squash. Foods high in vitamin C include: blueberries, cauliflower, citrus fruits, bell peppers, and strawberries.


Reference materials:

[1] Zhang Yu. Clinical efficacy and safety of iron dextran dispersible tablets in the treatment of pregnancy complicated with iron deficiency anemia[J] .Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use, 2020,13(21):127-128.

[2] Zhao Aiqin. Are you supplementing iron correctly? [J]. Health and Beauty, 2022(11): 70-73.

[3] Gao Chunhai. Misunderstandings of Iron Supplementation for Anemia[J]. New Countryside, 2022 (01):39.