Guarding a river, clear water, and Yanghuping are in action

Red Internet Moment Zhangjiajie, November 24th (Correspondent: Zhou Siyu) On November 24th, Yanghuping Street in Yongding District launched the “Sword Action” – the special control of Clado algae in the Lishui River. Affected by the continuous high temperature and less rain recently, the rivers in Yanghuping area have successively seen the spread and accumulation of Cladoides. In order to better reduce the impact of the growth of Cladoides on the water environment, Yanghuping Street organized more than 200 cadres, workers, cleaners, and volunteers. , to remove Cladophylla on the 20-kilometer river beach and shallow water area of ​​the Yanghuping section of the Lishui River.

It is reported that this management The operation lasted for one month, mainly using manual salvage methods, combining blocking and fishing, top blocking and bottom fishing, to realize the integrated operation of fishing and transportation, and step-by-step interception in river sections to completely remove the clastophytes in the river.

Street river length The person in charge of the office said that Yanghuping Sub-district will continue to increase the efforts to control Cladophora in the area under its jurisdiction, adhere to daily emergency response, regularly dispatch and deploy, implement aquatic plant restoration measures, and guard the river with unremitting determination and attitude. clear water.

Source: Hongwang Zhangjiajie Station

Author: Zhou Siyu

Editor: Hu Xiaohong

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