For patients with certain diseases, salt is poison, and eating too much will aggravate the disease.

In clinical practice, many patients will ask, doctor, what should I not eat. As for the answer to this question, generally western medicine will say that nutrition is balanced with meat and vegetables. In fact, it is not rigorous to say this. Some diseases do have dietary taboos. The simplest example is that diabetes should eat as little sugar as possible. It does not mean that diabetic patients cannot eat sugar, but that sugar contains high carbohydrate density. , you have to reduce the intake of other foods, such as rice, you have to eat a lot less, which will inevitably affect your diet.

There are also some diseases that require less salt, such as chronic pulmonary heart disease caused by lung disease. This disease may be aggravated by eating too much salt, resulting in edema throughout the body. Once swollen, it will cause Poor appetite, fatigue, bloating, less urination, lower extremity swelling, and strict restriction of salt and water intake are important treatment measures for chronic pulmonary heart disease.

In addition, hypertensive patients should also reduce salt intake. Some hypertensive types are very sensitive to salt, and even the suspension needle should use less sodium chloride solution, and some sensitive hypertensive patients should be injected Physiological saline will increase blood pressure. In particular, it should be noted that some clinical diuretics for the treatment of hypertension have the effect of draining and expelling sodium, thereby achieving the purpose of lowering blood pressure.