Every day I know a traditional Chinese medicine – Baixianpi

< p>Introduction: Traditional Chinese medicine treats skin diseases, no matter whether it is taken internally or externally, many prescriptions will use a blind Chinese medicine, that is Baixianpi. White fresh skin can clear heat and dry dampness, expel wind and detoxify, kill insects and relieve itching, treat damp-heat sore, yellow water dripping, eczema and other diseases, especially good at treating wind-heat syndrome and damp-heat syndrome of eczema.


Medicinal white fresh skin

Compendium of Materia Medica: “White fresh skin, good for cold qi, good for deeds, bitter in taste and dry in nature, is a Yellow wind arthralgia requires medicine, and the world’s medical practitioners stop treating sores, which is shallow.” “Ben Cao Jing Shu”: “white and fresh skin, bitterness can relieve heat, cold can remove heat, so the main head wind has fire syndrome. Dryness can remove dampness and heat, so it is the main cause of five jaundice. For those with cough, the real fire is going up, and when cold is dissipated, the cough stops.”


Bai Xianpi has the smell of sheep mutton, slightly bitter in taste, can penetrate from top to bottom, go through the expression, and has the functions of dispelling wind and dampness, clearing away heat and detoxifying, killing insects and relieving itching, Often used to treat itchy skin. If it is caused by wind-heat in the lung meridian, it can be used in combination with Fangfeng, Zhimu and Scutellaria baicalensis to dispel wind and clear heat to relieve itching. Among them, Baixianpihan can clear away heat, while Fangfengxin can disperse and expel wind and disperse. The combination of the two can disperse and detoxify, clear lung heat, and relieve cough. If it is caused by blood deficiency and wind-heat stagnation and stagnation of muscle, it is advisable to mix with rehmannia glutinosa, red peony root, angelica, cicada slough, etc. to nourish blood and dispel windto clear heat; if it is damp and heat on the skin, If the eczema is red and itchy, or eroded, it can be combined with Atractylodes Rhizoma, Treats, Sophora flavescens; if it is scabies, it is advisable to wash it with Sophora Radix, Cnidium, etc. Relieves itching.

Bai Xianpi has the power of clearing away heat and dampness, and treats damp-heat jaundice. And other compatibility, clearing away heat and dampness to to reduce jaundice. If it is damp-heat arthralgia, it should be used in combination with honeysuckle and fangji to clear heat and dispel dampnessto relieve pain. If the wind prickly muscles and bones are weak and the limbs are weak, it can be used in the same way as Fangfeng, aconite, ginseng, and angelica. To treat rheumatic arthralgia and joint problems, it can be used with Duhuo, Atractylodes, and Wei Lingxian to dispel wind and dampness to relieve pain. Among them, the white fresh skin is bitter and cold, which can dispel wind, remove dampness and relieve arthralgia; Duhuo Xin Sans bitterness and dryness warm and clear, mainly scattered in the inside of the wind and cold dampness, and relieves pain. The combination of the two medicines can disperse wind and remove dampness, and treat postpartum apoplexy with dampness, lingering confusion, obstruction of qi and blood, skin numbness, and itching.

Bai Xian Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz.

Bai Xianpi《Shen Nong Herbal Classic》

[Source] is the dry root bark of Rutaceae plants. In spring and autumn, the roots are excavated, the sediment and coarse bark are removed, and the root bark is peeled and dried.

[synonym]8-gu beef, northern moss skin, mountain Peony, sheep grass.

【Taste】Bitter taste, cold in nature.

[returning to the meridian]returning to the spleen, stomach and bladder meridians.

[Functions and Indications]Remove heat and dry dampness, Dispel wind and detoxify. For damp heat sores, yellow water dripping, eczema, rubella, scabies sores, rheumatic fever arthralgia, jaundice and red urine.

[Precautions] Use with caution in patients with spleen and stomach deficiency.

【Usage and dosage】5~10g. Appropriate amount for external use, decoction for washing or powder application.

Meals and Practical Applications

< p>The white fresh rind should have a thick root tube, evenly without rough rind and woody bone core.

Bai Xianpi prescription

Drug eruption Experience Formula

Clear blood heat, detoxify and dampness


Comfrey 15g, Honeysuckle 10g, Forsythia 10g, 30g madder root, 10g purple flower root, rhizoma Imperatae
15g, cicada slough 8g, white fresh skin 15g, tangerine peel 15g, licorice 10g. Decoction in water, one dose per day, once in the morning and once in the evening.


span>Because of individual differences, different people have different physiques. Some people will develop rashes on their bodies after taking western medicines such as antibiotics. This is not very serious. It is just an allergic reaction. Medicine can be relieved, if not relieved, you can use this traditional Chinese medicine prescription . This recipe is relatively peaceful and can be used by most people.

The comfrey in the prescription is cold in nature, and has the functions of clearing heat and cooling blood, promoting blood circulation, detoxifying and expelling rash; The effect of dispelling wind-heat; Forsythia is slightly cold, has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and dissipating knots, and dispersing wind-heat; madder is cold, cooling blood, removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding; Efficacy; Rhizoma Imperatae has the functions of cooling blood to stop bleeding, nourishing yin and clearing stomach, and diuretic; cicada slough has very good effects of clearing heat and expelling wind, soothing throat, clearing rash, improving eyesight and relieving nebula; white fresh skin can clear heat and dry dampness, dispel wind and detoxify ;The taste of tangerine peel is pungent and warm, which can counteract the cooling properties of the whole prescription. At the same time, tangerine peel itself has the effects of regulating qi and strengthening the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm, which can enhance the absorption of the spleen and stomach; the last herb is licorice, which can reconcile various medicines. It has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, and can also invigorate the spleen and replenish qi, relieve acute pain and relieve pain. On the whole, the whole recipe has the effects of clearing blood and heat, detoxification and dampness. However, it must be reminded that although the prescription is a general-purpose prescription, the overall medicinal properties are still slightly colder, so it is recommended to take it for 2 to 3 days. After the drug eruption subsides, stop using it immediately and do not continue to take it.

< span> This book has a total of 60 lectures, each lecture on a topic, explains in detail the treatment methods of various common diseases in family life, which can help readers in It can be operated by yourself at home, including different tips such as oral administration, external application, and manipulation.

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This article is excerpted fromDiscovering the Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Together: Lectures on Qiyingzhou Family Tips< span>, published by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House, by Qi Yingzhou◎, the final interpretation right belongs to the original author.All pictures are published All copyrighted pictures of the company, please do not steal pictures.

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