Does taking vitamins hurt the liver? Doctor: These 4 vitamins are not recommended for long-term consumption

Introduction: The content of vitamins in the human body is less than 1%, but vitamins are very important, although vitamins neither participate in the formation of human cells nor provide for the human body energy, but vitamins play a vital role in the growth, metabolism and development of the human body.

Vitamins cannot be synthesized naturally in the human body, and must be obtained through external food. There are various vitamin supplements on the market, some Vitamins appear in pharmacies as over-the-counter medications, while some are covered by supplements.

Associate Professor of the Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, School of Food Science, China Agricultural University, Fan Zhihong, director of the Chinese Nutrition Society, said that the country will not Product pricing, as a health care product, the price of vitamins usually includes advertising and other costs, so it is generally more expensive than vitamins as medicines.


Do not overuse vitamins

At present, there are 13 kinds of vitamins recognized, which are divided into fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. The properties of vitamins are different , The storage time in the body is also different. For vitamins that are not easily excreted from the body, poisoning may occur if they accumulate excessively in the body.

Vitamin a, vitamin d, vitamin e and vitamin k are fat-soluble vitamins, which are easy to accumulate in the nerves. Therefore, it will be stored in the body for a long time, and some can even be stored for more than half a year. Once accumulated in excess, poisoning may occur.

Vitamin C and 8 kinds of B group water-soluble vitamins are known to many people as vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, in fact, niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), folic acid (B9) and biotin (B7) are also B vitamins.

Water-soluble vitamins are easily excreted in the body, and the storage time in the body is only 2~3 days, such as vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 will be excreted with urine soon after intake.


Will taking vitamins hurt the liver?

The liver is very important to the body, because the metabolic center of the body is the liver, food passes through It is absorbed in the intestinal tract, then enters the liver through the circulatory system, and is finally broken down in the liver.

As the largest detoxification organ in the body, the toxins and wastes produced by our daily metabolism are also detoxified through the liver.

When the body consumes food with too many side effects, it will inevitably increase the burden on the liver organs in the body, even if people Vitamins thought to be beneficial may also cause drug-induced liver injury and drug-induced hepatitis.

For people with liver disease, the metabolic function of the liver will be worse than that of healthy people, taking these Drugs will only increase the burden on the liver. If the situation is severe, acute liver failure or even death may occur. A small number of patients with liver failure may need liver transplantation to survive.

For healthy people, adequate intake and supplementation of vitamins will not cause harm to the body and liver , will only bring benefits, will benefit the liver and body health and improve liver metabolism, prevent liver cancer formation.

Long-term overdose of vitamins will have adverse effects on the liver, and even lead to other adverse symptoms. In the event of renal failure, endocrine dysfunction, etc., in clinical practice, corresponding supplements should be made according to the lack of selected vitamin types, and blind abuse should not be allowed.


Doctor: These 4 vitamins are not Long-term intake is recommended

Vitamin D

Excessive intake of vitamins can damage the liver and increase the pressure on liver qi. Some people take vitamins as health products, which is actually Inappropriate, the body should not consume too much vitamin D.

Vitamin D can be obtained through diet, Of course, the body will promote the synthesis of vitamin D through the action of ultraviolet rays in the sun.

This vitamin can improve the body’s The ability to absorb calcium, thus effectively supplementing calcium, however, in some people the function of the liver itself is reduced, and excessive vitamin D supplementation can lead to increased blood calcium levels or blood urea nitrogen levels, which have the risk of poisoning and liver damage.

Vitamin E

If you want to promote health, you can’t take too much vitamin E. Although vitamin E is a vitamin that the human body needs, you can get vitamin E through fresh fruits and vegetables, animal offal.< /span>

If vitamin E can be used as a health product, adverse reactions will occur, excessive vitamin E supplementation, the liver is in high metabolism Stress may cause poisoning, and many people will also experience blood pressure and blood lipid instability due to the intake process E.

< p data-track="27">Vitamin A

< span> In addition to vitamin A supplements, in the daily diet, animal liver and cod liver oil products are rich in vitamin A. Excessive supplementation of vitamin A will cause liver damage, reduce bone density, and increase the risk of fractures, especially for pregnant women. Excessive vitamin A supplementation is easy cause fetal malformation.

Vitamin C

< p data-track="30">Long-term vitamin C supplementation for adults may cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Long-term intravenous injection of large amounts of vitamin C can lead to venous thrombosis or hemolysis, which is extremely fatal.

Infants who supplement vitamin C in large quantities will suffer from indigestion, diarrhea, restless sleep, urticaria and other diseases, many times Intravenous administration can cause itching, pimples, anaphylactic shock, and risk of death.


Who are not suitable for taking vitamin C?

1. Vitiligo patients: Vitamin C will affect the production of melanin, reduce serum copper and its The content of oxidase affects the activity of chrominase, making it unable to synthesize melanin, thus aggravating the condition of patients with vitiligo.

2. Patients with gout and kidney stones: Vitamin C will affect blood acidity and lead to uric acid deposition, long-term large doses , sensitive persons may induce or aggravate gouty arthritis and kidney stones caused by high uric acid.

3. Patients taking alkaline drugs: taking alkaline drugs, such as aminophylline, glutamic acid Sodium, sodium bicarbonate and flavin, then taking vitamin C will affect the efficacy.

4. Diabetic patients: Since vitamin C can react with copper sulfate in alkaline calcium reagent, urine The qualitative detection of glucose is false negative, which hinders the diagnosis and control of the dosage of hypoglycemic drugs.

5. Pregnant women: Pregnant women should not take too much vitamin C, otherwise it is easy to induce fetal vitamin C dependence syndrome.