You who stayed up late to watch the World Cup and rely on coffee to “extend your life”, do you really understand TA?

The two days of the World Cup are in full swing. Many people stay up late to watch the game, and they can only “continue their lives” by drinking coffee during the day.

Drinking too much coffee is not healthy! Today, we invite experts to tell you about the little knowledge of “drinking coffee”~

Medical Advisor

Shanghai First People’s Hospital

Chief pharmacist Qian Fengdan

Coffee is popular worldwideNon-alcoholic beveragesOne of the public acceptance in our country is also increasing. Do you really understand coffee as a coffee lover?

First knowledge of caffeine

A cup of rich and mellow coffee, its “soul” comes fromcaffeine, which belongs to Purine alkaloids.

Image source: Tuchong Creative

Caffeine has analgesic effects and can be used as an adjunctive treatment for tension headaches and migraines; span>

Promote the synthesis and release of catecholamines, makingincrease heart rate and blood pressure;

Stimulate intestinal smooth muscle,Improve constipation.

After the human body ingests caffeine, the gastrointestinal tract absorbs it very quickly, and the concentration in the brain rises as soon as 5 minutes after ingestion. 30-60 minutes to peak. How quickly your body metabolizes caffeine depends onsex, weight and genetics.

Drink coffee properly, you canStimulate the cerebral cortex, improve concentration, enhance alertness, reduce fatigue and drowsiness, improve instant memory, but excessive drinking can cause stomach discomfort, Nervousness, anxiety, irritability, inability to concentrate, insomnia, etc.

Studies have shown that when caffeine Total intakein excess of 480mg/day may cause serious adverse events such as atrial fibrillation and seizures .

Control intake

Generally speaking, the daily intake of caffeine for adults80-250 mg is a low intake, 300-400 mg is a medium intake, and more than 500 mg is a high intake.

Generally measured by “cup”, Each 150ml cup of coffee contains about 100mg of caffeine. It is generally recommended that healthy adults consume no more than 210-400 mg of caffeine per day (approximately equivalent to 2-4 cups of coffee).

requires special attention, In daily life, the main source of caffeine is coffee and tea, but it is also found in soft drinks and energy drinks, cocoa or chocolate products, many medicines and health products.

Image source: Tuchong Creative

The caffeine content in different coffees or beverages varies greatly. We must pay attention to the cumulative effect of caffeine, because inadvertent caffeine intake may exceed the standard.

Several types of people drink carefully


High blood pressure , patients with coronary heart disease

such as Drinking coffee for a long time or in large quantities can aggravate cardiovascular disease, and you should drink it in moderation.

multinational Medical institutions believe that drinking 1-2 cups of coffee per day for healthy adults will not increase Risk of heart disease and cardiovascular disease.


Stomach patient

if anygastric ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux Drinking coffee will stimulate gastric acid secretion, aggravate digestion such asheartburn, acid reflux Road symptoms, it is recommended not to drink.


Patients with anxiety disorders

This group of people may have increased anxiety symptoms after consuming caffeine , coffee is not recommended.


Postmenopausal women (especially those with low calcium intake)

The tannic acid in coffee will reduce the absorption of calcium and cause Osteoporosis increases fracture risk.

It is recommended that perimenopausal women who love to drink coffee pay attention to controlling their intake ,Ensure milk and other calcium intake, andMaintain exercise and light.


Pregnant and lactating women

< p data-track="79">Since caffeine will be secreted into breast milk through the placenta, excessive caffeine may affect fetal development, usuallyCoffee is not recommended for pregnant women.

If Need to drink, no more than 2 cups per day (150-300mg caffeine).



The central excitatory effect of caffeine caninterfere with children’s memory , causing conditions such ashyperactivity disorder.

Children And teenagers should control caffeine intake, avoid drinking coffee.

Be careful when taking medicine

Thyroid hormone drugs

Such asthyroxine sodium. According to research, if patients drink coffee shortly before and after taking thyroxine, the drug absorption can be reduced by about 55%.

And In clinical practice, it is also frequently found that the efficacy of sodium thyroxine is weakened by drinking coffee situation.


eghydrochlorothiazide, furosemide, spironolactone etc. Caffeine has a diuretic effect, which can accelerate the body’s excretion of sodium ions. When diuretics are taken, the effects are superimposed, and it is easy to cause electrolyte disturbances.

quinolone antibiotics< /span>

eglevofloxacin, ciprofloxacin , Moxifloxacin, etc., can reduce the metabolism of caffeine and increase the blood concentration of caffeine, resulting inTheophylline poisoninglike symptoms.

Antipyretic and analgesic

Such asAspirinetc. The antipyretic and analgesic ingredients contained in the drug will reduce the synthesis of prostaglandins, which is harmful to the gastric mucosa Protective effects.

And Caffeine willStimulate gastric acid secretion, thereby aggravating the stimulation of these drugs on the gastric mucosa, causing gastric Burning sensation.

Image source: Tuchong Creative

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Science Enjoy Coffee

Choose the right time

It is best to drink it betweentwo meals, do not drink on an empty stomach, the caffeine and other ingredients in coffee will quickly Decreases blood sugar levels, causing dizziness and sweating.

Do not drink when staying up late, caffeine will Increase the metabolic rate of the human body and accelerate the consumption of B vitamins, making people more tired, forming vicious circle.

Choose a variety

Recommended first choiceFreshly ground coffee, it is recommended to no sugar or less sugar, you can add some milk to enhance the taste.

Adjust drinking

Some people are sensitive to caffeine and will appear< span>Rapid heartbeat, nausea, dizziness and other phenomena similar to “tea drunkenness”, you should adjust the frequency and amount of coffee drinking according to your own situation >.