Why do doctors wait for college students to start school every July?

Author of this article: Tun TunRecently, Xiamen Central Blood Station stated that the current platelet inventory is low, and it is more prone to clinical sudden use of a certain blood type of platelets, resulting in insufficient supply. Xiamen City Center Blood Station appeals, hoping that more citizens can donate apheresis platelets. Source: Xiamen Daily Patients desperately need… The anxiety of “lack of blood” haunts doctors. blood-stressed winter and summer vacation Every winter and summer vacation, the use of blood in the hospital becomes tense. At present, the main force of voluntary blood donation in my country is young and middle-aged people aged 18-35, of which the blood donation rate is the highest among 18-25 years old. College students are an important part of the voluntary blood donation population. In some areas, 35% of voluntary blood donations come from college students. With the holidays of these main blood donors, coupled with the high temperature and severe cold weather, the blood collection volume of mobile blood collection vehicles on the streets has plummeted. Many departments have cancelled or postponed operations due to insufficient blood preparation, and the admission of newly admitted patients has to be buffered. There is a saying among surgeons that “the students will have blood when they start school”. Surgeon Zhang Xin (pseudonym) said that after October, it was obvious that blood preparation for surgical patients became easier, and 2U blood preparation did not require family members Donate extra blood. “Thanks to the university for awarding comprehensive test scores to students who donate blood, I really want to thank the universities.” In the department of internal medicine, the situation of non-surgical blood is not optimistic. Dr. Zhu Chen (pseudonym) from a tertiary hospital in Beijing recalled that he once received a patient with hemolytic anemia with only 2.8 hemoglobin. “When we went to apply again, the blood bank said there was no more.” Wang Yue (pseudonym) of the Department of Hematology ) The doctor said that I am most afraid of the New Year. During the Spring Festival and the winter vacation, the number of people who go out to donate blood has dropped sharply. Wang Yue recalled that during the Chinese New Year period in the past few years, the local blood supply was tight, and it was only supplied to emergency surgeries and critically ill patients in major hospitals. And an old man in his 70s with aplastic anemia in the department waited for 4 days with only 3 platelets. “Every day he is cautious, fidgety, and sometimes even crying and begging me, I can feel his pain, but I can’t help it.< span>”    cutout  Blood products are like a flowing red river from collection to use. Based on the particularity of blood, the shelf life of whole blood and platelets is about 35 days and about 5 days, respectively.blood stations cannot A large amount of blood reserve can only be “used now”. Blood Center will set upper and lower limits for the inventory of different blood types. Once the blood reserve of a certain blood type is lower than the lower limit, a request for emergency blood collection will be issued, and the “emergency” of the corresponding blood type will be posted at the blood collection point; on the contrary, once the upper limit is exceeded, the collection will be suspended to avoid waste. Xiamen Blood Center is in shortage of platelets this time. Compared with whole blood, the collection of blood components has encountered greater obstacles. On the one hand, collecting platelets is more demanding for donors. According to the “Health Checkup Requirements for Blood Donors” published in 2012, compared to pre-donation blood testing for whole blood donors, apheresis platelet donors also need to check hematocrit, pre-blood platelet count, and predicted post-blood platelet count. “Health Checkup Requirements for Blood Donors”On the other hand, collecting platelets is relatively more complicated. To donate platelets, whole blood needs to be drawn first, plasma collected by centrifugation, and then the remaining blood cells are returned to the donor. It takes 1 to 2 hours to collect 1 to 2 units of platelets, and it needs to go to a blood donation house with a machine for collecting platelets. At present, only blood centers in various places have the conditions, and not all blood collection points can be carried out. The “Investigation and Analysis of the Reasons for the Loss of Apheresis Platelet Blood Donors and the Willingness to Donate Blood Again” shows that the top three reasons for the loss of apheresis platelet donors are: busy work or inconvenient time and place (35.93%), health reasons (24.40%), and machine mining time is too long (15.72%). This red river is always at risk of being cut off, and the hospital cannot get blood on time and in sufficient quantity. The transportation of blood is also inconvenient. In addition, the inventory of different blood types in the country is different. It is not practical to prepare blood all over the country, and it is necessary to rely on local inventory. However, the situation varies greatly from place to place. In some county-level areas, aInjured patients may use up all the blood stored in the local blood bank. Without the flow, the doctor is caught between the blood bank and the patient. In order to encourage unpaid blood donation, some places have issued some local regulations, stipulating that in addition to guaranteeing emergency blood, medical institutions can give priority to the use of blood for unpaid blood donors. .

Regulations on Free Blood Donation in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

Many patients came to the hospital with “Free Blood Donation Certificates” and asked doctors to “use blood for free” for themselves or their family members as advertised. When they learned that they could not be allocated and arranged, they showed puzzled and doubtful expressions. However, under the circumstance of tight clinical blood use, limited blood resources must first meet the needs of critically ill patients, only if they are completely “equal” (the severity of the disease and the medical need for blood are basically the same) Only when voluntary blood donors are “priority” can they be satisfied. On the other hand, although the blood donation certificate has the propaganda of “free blood”, it is actually free by reducing the fee. In some areas, patients need to pay the fees at the hospital first, and then go to the blood station to apply for a refund with the relevant certificates. Because the blood bank and the hospital operate independently of each other, clinicians have limited knowledge of the refund policy. No arguing. In September 2019, the National Health Commission issued the “Notice on Carrying out Direct Reduction and Exemption of Clinical Blood Costs for Unpaid Blood Donors”, requiring the full realization of provincial blood stations and blood consumption. The information interconnection of voluntary blood donors in medical institutions enables medical institutions to obtain information on voluntary blood donation of patients and their relatives in the process of bill settlement, simplifying procedures and streamlining materials.     Open Source: 15% of Departmental Blood Donation Index The amount of blood collected during the winter and summer periods was reduced, but the amount of clinical blood was not reduced. A study on the blood supply in Shijiazhuang in the past three years shows that before the new crown epidemic, the total amount of blood used by the hospital increased year by year, and the red blood cells and platelets increased significantly. In contrast, according to data released by the National Health Commission, the blood donation rate in my country in 2020 is only 11.2‰. In order to keep the red river connecting life flowing, doctors joined the team of voluntary blood donation. When I have seen too much clinical reality of “a bag of blood saves a life”, Zhang Xin said, “I fully understand how important blood products are, and I am not busy myself. I donate blood when I’m young, basically once a year, and there are many colleagues like me.” However, there are also many hospitals that donate blood for free blood donation” became a “performance indicator”. Some doctors said that the hospital requires 15% of the people in the department to participate in blood donation, with at least 300ml per person, and the indicators of blood donation are linked to performance. “Our county hospital has a small number of people. In order to complete the target, Keli often drags his family members to donate blood.” But the process of summer is just over halfway through.

Planning: yuu. | Producer: gyouza Title map source: Visual ChinaReferences:

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