What are the symptoms of hepatitis? These 6 symptoms are actually the arrival of hepatitis

Hepatitis is a very common liver disease. It will bring certain harm to our liver and affect the function of the liver. It is contagious to a certain extent. What symptoms will the body have after getting hepatitis? There are many reasons for it. Everyone should prevent it as soon as possible. What foods are good for hepatitis patients?

What are the symptoms of hepatitis

1. Loss of appetite. Hepatitis patients basically have symptoms of loss of appetite, mainly because they are unwilling to eat greasy food. After eating, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting may occur. With the development of the disease, the patient’s weight may gradually decrease, and the body will also rather weak.

2. Jaundice. For people with hepatitis, bilirubin in the blood will increase, which is likely to cause symptoms of jaundice. Therefore, after jaundice, the patient’s skin will have symptoms such as itching, and the urine will turn snake yellow. The color of the stool is also very light at this time.

3. Fever. Once hepatitis occurs, patients will have low-grade fever, fear of cold, dizziness and headache. These symptoms are very similar to cold symptoms. We should distinguish the specific differences in normal times. After a cold has a fever, there will also be nasal congestion and runny nose. .

4. Upper abdominal pain. Hepatitis, after the disease appears, will cause patients to have upper abdominal pain, sometimes the pain radiates to the back, and the pain worsens at night, which can be relieved after bed rest, and the pain will also worsen when talking loudly or coughing.

5. The whole body is weak. The legs of hepatitis patients are relatively heavy. If they do a little activity, they will feel tired all over the body, and their work efficiency is low. Some hepatitis patients will also have symptoms of insomnia.

6. Spider nevus, spider nevus is caused by the expansion of subcutaneous arterioles, the shape is similar to spiders, spiders will appear on most hepatitis patients mole.

Causes of hepatitis

(1) Drugs or chemical poisons: Many drugs and chemical poisons can cause liver damage, resulting in drug-induced hepatitis or toxicity hepatitis. Such as bisacetate, methyldopa, tetracycline, arsenic mercury, carbon tetrachloride, etc. The degree of damage to the liver depends on the time of taking or exposure to the drug or chemical poison, as well as individual differences. Long-term use or repeated exposure to drugs and chemical poisons can lead to chronic hepatitis and even liver cirrhosis.

(2) Alcoholism: Alcohol can cause hepatitis. Mainly due to the toxicity of alcohol (ethanol) and its metabolite acetaldehyde to direct damage to liver cells. According to research, if the alcohol content exceeds 150g per day for more than 5 years, 90% of them will develop various liver damage; for more than 10 years, about 34% will develop chronic hepatitis, and about 25% will develop liver cirrhosis. There are many alcoholics in European and American countries, and alcoholic cirrhosis accounts for about 50% to 90% of all cirrhosis. In my country, the situation is better.