Ureteral calculus (stone shower), 1 small prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, warming and tonifying kidney qi, removing stones and relieving pain


Ureteral calculus belongs to the category of “leaching syndrome” and “stone stranguria” in traditional Chinese medicine, and its etiology and pathogenesis are most closely related to kidney and bladder close. “Suwen Meridian Bielun” says: “Drink into the stomach, overflow the essence, transfer upward to the spleen, dissipate the spleen essence, return upward to the lungs, regulate the water channel, and transfer downward to the bladder, the water essence spreads in four directions, and the five meridians run in parallel.< /p>

p class=”pgc-img-caption”>Rehmannia glutinosa

Symptoms: dull pain in the left lower abdomen, frequent colic, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria , red tongue with thin white fur, stringy and slippery pulse

Chinese medicine diagnosis: stone stranguria, kidney qi deficiency syndrome.

< img class="content_title" height="300" layout="responsive" sizes="(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw" src="https://p3-sign.toutiaoimg.com/tos-cn-i-qvj2lq49k0/000af6adced34db8a0c27f64f7eed488~tplv-tt-large.image?x-expires=1984828431&x-signature=l1Z14%2FjlPKcHY%2BwdyeZWonEYjLE%3D"width="600">Cornus

Prescription group: Rehmannia glutinosa, yam, cornus, peony bark, Poria cocos, Alisma, aconite (fried first), cinnamon, Talc, mallow seeds.

Usage: Take 1 dose a day, take 7 doses.

Peony Skin

“On the Causes and Symptoms of Various Diseases” says: “All stranguria are caused by kidney deficiency and bladder heat. “Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is a water viscera, which is used to distinguish and secrete turbidity of water; the bladder is the official of the state capital, which stores and excretes urine; Excretion is normal.


Exuberant kidney yang, normal qi transformation, moderate opening and closing of the kidney , the clear part of the turbidity will be raised to the lungs and distributed throughout the body, and the turbidity in the turbidity will be poured into the bladder and excreted from the body, so that the damp and heat will not accumulate, and stones will not form.

If the kidney yang is weak and the qi is weak, the kidney loses the right to open and close the steam, the clear and turbid secretion is not controlled, and the damp and turbid can not bet The deposition is stone. Therefore, Jin Kui Shen Qi Decoction is used to warm and invigorate the kidney qi. After taking the 21st dose, the sudden dysuria is a reaction to the stimulation of the ureter when the stone is discharged. After examination and comparison with the previous ones, it is fully proved that it has been cured.


< p data-track="17"> Analysis: Talc and mallow seeds are added to the prescription, the purpose is to enhance the expansion of the ureter on the basis of invigorating kidney qi, so as to expel stones.


Note: All kinds of compatibility, prescriptions and prescriptions mentioned in this article must be used for reference under the guidance of TCM practitioners in person , application, don’t try it blindly! This article is only for professional Chinese medicine practitioners’ reference and learning, and it cannot be used as a prescription. Please do not try medicine blindly, and this platform does not bear any responsibility arising therefrom!