These symptoms may be a sign of cervical cancer!

The cancer data in 2020 shows that there are 600,000 new cases of cervical cancer and 340,000 deaths worldwide, and the morbidity and mortality are increasing year by year trend.

At present, cervical cancer has become the fourth largest cancer affecting women’s health in the world and the second largest female malignant tumor in my country.

In recent years, whether it is a well-known actress or an ordinary office worker, many women in their youth have not been able to escape the clutches of cervical cancer!

In the face of cervical cancer, only early understanding can prevent it from happening. Don’t wait for it to happen and then regret it!

Early cervical cancer symptoms

Early cervical cancer has no obvious symptoms or symptoms It is relatively mild, and some early cervical cancer will find that the cervix is ​​smooth even in the process of physical examination. Patients with cervical canal type are easily missed or misdiagnosed because of the normal shape of the cervix. In addition, the cervix is ​​an organ without pain nerves, so people often ignore it because of the normal shape of the cervix. Early symptoms delay diagnosis and treatment. Patients with early stage cervical cancer may present with the following symptoms:

vaginal bleeding


● For intercourse bleeding, some patients can find cervical cancer in the early stage if they seek medical treatment in time;

● Patients in the middle and advanced stage will experience irregular vaginal bleeding, and if it invades larger blood vessels, it will cause massive bleeding ;

● Younger patients may also present with only menstrual disorders, usually irregular;

● Elderly patients often have irregular vaginal bleeding after menopause;

● The exogenous type of cervical cancer has the symptoms of vaginal bleeding earlier and the bleeding volume is large, while the endogenous type of cervical cancer has the symptoms later.

Increased vaginal discharge

● Most patients There is vaginal discharge, the liquid is white or bloody, different from the usual leucorrhea, accompanied by a peculiar smell.

● In postmenopausal women, if vaginal bleeding or bloody discharge occurs, they must pay attention to it and seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the disease.

Other symptoms

In early stage cervical cancer, symptoms such as frequent urination and urgency can also occur .

Cervical cancer is the only preventable and controllable cancer

Although cervical cancer is dangerous, But fortunately, cervical cancer is currently the only cancer with a clear etiology that is preventable and controllable.

Early vaccination against HPV, regular screening, and timely detection of high-risk HPV infection are essential for the prevention of cervical cancer.

cervical cancer screening

from HPV infection It often takes 5 to 15 years for cervical cancer to develop.

Through early screening and treatment before cell lesions, the cure rate of cervical cancer can reach 100%.

Clinical data show that in the initial stage of cervical cancer, the cure rate can reach 80% to 90%, but only 10% in the fourth stage.

Screening recommendations:

21-29 years old: early screening can be done every 3 years;

30 -64 years: Early screening can be done every 5 years;

Over 65 years: If there is no abnormality in the past 10 years, more screening may not be needed.

HPV vaccination

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent cervical cancer . It should be noted that the vaccine only targets specific high-risk viruses and does not protect against all HPV viruses.

Can not be vaccinated with 9-valent, but also can be vaccinated with 4-valent and 2-valent, which cause 70% of cervical cancers HPV16 and HPV18, 2-valent also has the same preventive effect!

Doctors suggest that the best time to inoculate the vaccine is before the first sex, and the recommended age is 9 to 26 years old. If you miss the optimal vaccination age, that is, you are over 26 years old, you still have the opportunity to receive bivalent or quadrivalent HPV vaccine. However, after the age of 45, there is little point in trying to get the HPV vaccine.


[1] What are the symptoms of early cervical cancer?

[2]cervical cancer likes this 4 types of women, 1 person gets sick every minute! Take care of yourself and do these 2 points


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