The 17-year-old Wang Wei wrote the best work in his life. Zhang Jiuling read it and praised it again and again, shocking the literary world

The Tang Dynasty never lacked genius. From the early Tang Dynasty to the late Tang Dynasty, there were many talented poets. They When he was still a boy, he wrote the most famous and eternal masterpieces, such as Wang Bo in the early Tang Dynasty; Wang Wei in the prosperous Tang Dynasty; Bai Juyi in the middle Tang Dynasty; Li Shangyin and Du Mu in the late Tang Dynasty; they are all geniuses. He became famous and married in his youth, and wrote the best works of his life.

Many people may have a misunderstanding that the ancients were dumber than us today. After all, in terms of technology and transportation, the ancients were obviously not as good as today, very backward. In fact, we are all wrong. It is hard to say whether the ancients were smarter than us, but it is clear that they were wiser than us. Today’s teenagers may rarely think independently. A mobile phone has lost this ability to think, but the ancients were different. They were very diligent and tireless in learning. It is this kind of spirit that makes them Brilliant in literature.

Wang Wei, a poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, was a juvenile genius. With extraordinary talent, when he was 17 years old, he went to Chang’an to study alone, and wrote the well-known “September 9th Remembering Brothers in Shandong”. I believe that anyone who has gone to school has read this poem. The whole poem is very well written. Sadness, at that time the poet was on September 9th. He thought that he was wandering alone and missed his relatives in his hometown, so he wrote such a sentimental work.

I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives every festive season.

Yaozhi brothers climbed high places and planted cornel trees everywhere.

After reading this poem, Zhang Jiuling, a great writer at that time, praised it and gave it to Wang Wei’s extremely high evaluation, it is this poem, that let Wang Wei start to emerge in the Tang literary world, and eventually became a generation of literary masters. Since then, Zhang Jiuling has also supported him everywhere. The relationship between the two is also a teacher and a friend, which has become a good story in the literary circles of the Tang Dynasty.

Wang Wei’s poems do not have any skills, nor do they deliberately cite scriptures. They are just so plain and straightforward, but they also make people feel his extraordinary talent and unique charm in his poems; read his works , does not need too much interpretation, as long as you take a closer look, you will naturally be able to understand the meaning and the intention of the poet. Then this “September 9th Recalling Brothers in Shandong” is a very concise work. There is not a single uncommon word in the whole poem, and such a work is also very easy to understand.

Wandering alone, and the Double Ninth Festival, this is for any one , it will be sad. After all, there are no relatives around, so naturally you will be moved by loneliness, and will miss relatives in the distance, so in the first sentence of the opening, Wang Wei pointed out the theme, wandering alone in a foreign land, whenever the Chongyang Festival, I I miss my distant relatives even more. Today I am going to climb high and look into the distance, but I am missing my relatives. They are also thinking of me in the distance, and my head is full of cornel and I am missing.

The Double Ninth Festival was originally about family reunion, but Wang Wei was wandering alone, It made him sad and went to the mountain alone, so he thought of his relatives in the distance, but for his family, he would naturally also be thought of. It is through this contrasting method that the poet describes, which makes the poem full of poetry everywhere, and infinite sorrow is also revealed between the lines.

Wang Wei’s poems are actually very positive, and most of the works are very interesting , but the song “Memories of Shandong Brothers on September 9th” written by him at the age of 17 is full of sorrow, and every sentence is touching. This kind of work is actually the most touching. If you are a wanderer who is also wandering in a foreign country, I believe that reading this kind of work will definitely resonate. Then a good work must be able to move us, and it must be able to resonate with our emotions, and this poem by Wang Wei has done it. No matter when you read such a work, it will always be admired by the poet. moved by a deep affection.