Surgical Pharmacy Guided! Pharmacists from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao jointly promote health

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporter Niu Zhijie Correspondent Li Yilei Li Zhike

Figure/respondent provided

“I believe that over time pharmacists will become a business card of the Greater Bay Area to the people of the country and the world.” On September 25, the 2022 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao World Pharmacist Day Academic Conference was held in Guangzhou. Shen Mingda, President of the Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Association, expressed his vision.

Meeting site

Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao cooperate to promote the development of pharmacy

At the meeting, Wu Ailin, Secretary General of the Macao Pharmaceutical Association, introduced that in the field of clinical medicine in Macao, pharmacists have become an important part of the medical team, providing professional pharmaceutical services to patients. At the same time, in the aspect of pharmacy clinics, for special patients, targeted pharmacy service models are provided online. In the future, it is hoped that surgical clinical pharmacy, drug development and medical management can be integrated into the overall development plan of the Greater Bay Area.

Shen Mingda, President of the Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Association, introduced that currently the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is jointly strengthening medical and health training. Hong Kong and Macao have extensive cooperation and exchanges with Guangdong pharmacists. Some Hong Kong and Macao approved injection drugs can be used in the Greater Bay Area It is used by many medical institutions in 9 cities in the district.

The reporter learned that the Chinese patent medicines and chemical drugs that Hong Kong and Macao have obtained the “Drug Registration Certificate” registered and marketed in China, approved by the Guangdong Provincial Drug Administration, can also be registered in the Greater Bay Area 9 production in the city.

Pharmacist gatekeeping promotes medication integration

“Pharmacists are like quality control personnel, who check the use of drugs.” Zheng Zhihua, deputy director of Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association, introduced at this meeting. Guangdong Province is the first to promote the management mode of drug treatment in China. Through pharmacists with professional pharmaceutical knowledge, they can understand the specific physical condition of patients and provide related services such as medication guidance, so as to improve patients’ compliance, carry out integrated management of drugs, reduce and Avoid irrational drug use and adverse reactions.

Zheng Zhihua, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association

Under the control of the pharmacist, the planning and management process of reducing the dose of a drug or discontinuing a drug that may lead to patient harm or no longer benefit the patient can be facilitated to streamline prescription. Reduce medication burden and damage to patients while maintaining or improving quality of life.

A number of tertiary hospitals in Guangdong have explored opening pharmacist clinics. Zheng Zhihua introduced that there are currently about 68 hospitals in Guangdong that have opened pharmacy outpatient clinics, and more than 100 hospitals that provide similar pharmacy outpatient services. The opening of pharmacy clinics can relieve the pressure of outpatient physicians to a large extent, and can also assist physicians in formulating more reasonable, standardized and individualized medication plans, and through long-term follow-up in various ways, to ensure safe and reasonable medication for patients.

Guangdong surgical pharmacy explores a new medical model

“Surgical pharmacy is a characteristic concept proposed by Guangdong Province.” Chen Zhengyu, China General Representative of the International Federation of Pharmacy (FIP), introduced that Guangdong first systematically proposed surgical pharmacy, and then it will be presented to the international further promotion. Surgical pharmacy is to study the special medication characteristics of patients during the perioperative period, and to provide pharmacy consultation, monitoring, streamlining and home pharmacy services for patients around the preoperative, intraoperative, postoperative and home follow-up.

Meeting photo

Source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pie

Editor | Xue Renzheng

Proofreading | Zhao Dandan