Spring has sped up! The temperature is about to “rocket” up, the temperature difference will change greatly, and your health cannot fall!

The taste of the new year is fading, and February will pass in a blink of an eye, but it seems that everyone has not come out of the cold winter. In some areas, people still go out every day with the cold wind blowing, wearing big padded jackets, and waiting hard for spring ‘s arrival

So, today I want to tell you a piece of good news. Spring seems to have heard people’s demands and has come to us “expedited”. A big turning point is coming!

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Weather forecast: 24 days In the future, the temperature will rise in a “rocket” style

According to the official report of Central Meteorological Observatory at 20:00 on the 22nd, after February 24th, it will arrive at the beginning of next week at the latest. Over the weekend, there will be obvious signs of recovery in most parts of China, and this year’s recovery will be faster than in previous years, and spring will replace winter to start “on duty” earlier. For example Harbin, Changchun, Zhengzhou, Guangzhou and other places, the temperature difference between the front and back will even be as high as 15 degrees…

As soon as the weather information comes out, most of my friends must be very happy , I can finally get rid of the annoying winter and welcome the embrace of spring and nature. However, the spring comes quickly, which has advantages and certain “disadvantages”, that is, the temperature difference is relatively large in a short period of time. If the temperature difference is excessive during the period , without taking appropriate protective measures, it is easy to have a negative impact on our health.

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The temperature difference changes greatly, what can I do to maintain my health?< /strong>

Suggestion 1: Don’t be greedy for cold, “better cover than freeze”

Although the temperature will generally warm up in the future, after all, the temperature rise will also In a process, if you take off your cotton-padded clothes or clothes to keep out the cold early because you are greedy for cold or afraid of heat, the cold air may also “take advantage of the weakness” in the process of fading, and enter the body and cause a series of diseases such as wind-cold.

Therefore, as the old saying goes, winter to spring should follow the principle of “it is better to cover than to freeze”, and clothes should be reduced slowly according to the weather conditions, /strong>If necessary, you should even wear more clothes to resist the intrusion of the residual cold in the environment, and wait until the official spring to change your clothes, which is more beneficial to your health.

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Suggestion 2: Eat more spicy food to activate the stomach

In winter, because the temperature is low, and the stomach is mostly warm and averse to cold, the digestive function of the stomach and intestines will also decline accordingly, and it is in a state of convergence.

Nowadays, the temperature difference changes greatly, and spring will come at a faster speed. We must also activate the stomach in time to improve the efficiency of the digestive system, so as to avoid excessive accumulation in winter and induce hidden dangers of gastrointestinal diseases.

Appropriately eat more spicy foods, such as jujubes, chives, peanuts, leeks, shrimps, etc., invigorating blood and yang, dispersing pungent and warm, It is beneficial to stretch the stomach and improve the function of the digestive system. It is also mentioned in the “Compendium of Materia Medica”: “The smell is pungent and warm. Eating it after a fever will damage the eyes. Eat it at the age of the year, it will help the five internal organs.”< /strong>, the Sui Dynasty here refers to the seasons of late winter and early spring.

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Suggestion 3: Exercise more to grow yang


As the saying goes, “Movement will raise the sun”, spring is a good time for yang qi to grow, a lot of exercise is good for the body’s yang qi storage, and more Conducive to blood circulation, reduce the risk of illness.

Not only that, this year’s climate changes greatly, and the cold is more likely to enter the body when we are negligent, causing symptoms such as colds and colds. Proper exercise, It is also beneficial to improve immunity, Improve the body’s resistance to cold and early spring viruses, which is naturally more beneficial to our health.

To sum up, although spring comes earlier and the climate warms up, it is very gratifying, but the huge temperature difference that comes with it, we also need to be “vaccinated” and adopt healthy methods to maintain health. Protection is better. In addition, daily healthy behaviors such as regular work and rest, and balanced diet cannot be left behind. A healthy and reasonable daily plan and maintaining health according to climate change are the most ideal way of life.


[1]Xu Jianyang, Liu Jing. Preventing all kinds of diseases in winter and spring and actively intervening in health care[J]. The Great World of Health Care, 2015(3):2.

[2] Zhang Yuzhen, Zheng Xuan. “Roller coaster” temperature causes human yin and yang imbalance[J]. Health Care Guide, 2014.