Persisting in walking ten thousand steps a day, is it health preservation or “ruining knees”? Experienced by experts for 20 years

It is often said that “life lies in movement”, which has always been the “golden rule” in the portrayal, but now people seem to start advocating rest, and even feel that Resting is more conducive to health, and it also helps to penetrate the body and mind.

When you open the circle of friends, you will find that some people still insist on exercising, and the number of steps per day is very high The height is even more than 10,000, and there are many middle-aged and elderly people walking in the park. They still insist on walking briskly, mainly for keeping fit.

It seems that more and more people have seriously injured someone in the process of comparison, and feel that as long as they reach this stage The number is the healthiest, but I would like to remind everyone here that everyone’s body standards are different, and it cannot be generalized.


Walking ten thousand steps a day, is it health preservation or “destroying knees”? 20 years of personal experiments by experts

For this problem, Professor Hu Dayi, a famous cardiovascular expert, personally experienced Tell everyone, what is the real effective way of health?

More than 20 years ago, Hu Dayi’s health was also on the rise. After passing the red light, his weight directly reached 92 kg, and his waist circumference 110 cm, with the symptoms of three highs and fatty liver. Now the weight has dropped by 22 kg and has remained stable for 20 years. The fatty liver is gone, the elevated triglycerides have also dropped, and the blood pressure has returned to normal. Now the blood sugar has been reduced. Normal for 14 years.

In his own words, the trick lies in: eating eight If you are full, you will walk ten thousand steps a day.

In daily life, I choose walking as an exercise method to strengthen my body. It is not only simple and economical, but also very good. Aerobic exercise can improve the body’s endurance, and the balance of oxygen supply during walking is more conducive to health. He also has his own reasonable arrangements for the time and frequency of walking ten thousand steps a day.

Hu Dayi said: Remember the four numbers 1357. How to explain it?

“1”——exercise at least once a day

“3”——no less than 30 minutes of continuous exercise each time

“5”——Make sure to exercise 5 days a week

“7 “—The heart rate during exercise should not exceed (170-age) beats/minute, and it can also fluctuate up and down on this value, and the difference should not be too large.

For the intensity of the movement , this can also be judged very well, that is, when you are slightly panting during walking, but you can still communicate normally with your companions, this is the appropriate exercise intensity. Everyone’s physical fitness is different, so don’t be brave. It is within a reasonable range to be able to bear it. As for the number of steps, there is no need to be too persistent, and you can flexibly adjust it according to your own conditions.


Will walking hurt the knee joint?

Professor Hu Dayi shared about a patient who was walking in 2003 because of work and weight Big problem, I did experience knee discomfort when walking, the doctorThe hospital conducted a detailed examination and found that it was cartilage wear.

But he didn’t get treatment on time as scheduled, it’s been 20 years now, his knees rarely had problems in the past, The pain caused by the bone spur on the right heel that I suffered from before has completely disappeared, which is enough to prove that walking scientifically will not harm the joint recovery, and it will also help the body function to gradually improve.

So keep walking, the body is still There are many changes, and the changes may surprise you. More people wonder, is running fast or running?


Stretch—Which is better, brisk walking or running?

In fact, relatively speaking, there is a certain difference in safety between brisk walking and running. The most obvious difference from running is that when running, both feet leave the ground at the same time, and no matter how fast you walk during the whole brisk walking process, one foot touches the ground.

When you settle down, The impact force on the feet of brisk walking is smaller than that of running. During running, it is easy to step on the feet, and the ground is unstable, causing falls. At the same time, running consumes more calories than brisk walking, but the fat consumption is not as high as that of brisk walking. It consumes a lot, because running is a high-intensity exercise, and carbohydrates are always used as the main source of energy.

Analyzed from the perspective of exercise, brisk walking is a low-intensity exercise, which reduces carbohydrate consumption and fat consumption in 20 minutes Weight loss has gradually become the main source of energy. If you want to lose weight, brisk walking is still good. In fact, no matter which method you choose, you must choose according to your physical condition and not blindly follow the trend. Only the one that suits you can persevere and strengthen your body.