People with low immunity, try to eat less of these 4 types of vegetables, doctor: stop buying stupidly

Introduction: Immunity is a defense mechanism of the body itself. It is the body’s ability to recognize and eliminate any foreign intrusions, such as bacteria, viruses, etc. , and can process damaged, senescent, dead and degenerated self cells, as well as the ability to process and recognize mutant cells in the body, and virus-infected cells.

In terms of modern immunology, improving immunity is a part of the bodyrecognizing and eliminating “others”. This is a physiological response, and the body that performs this function is our immune system.

Immunity can be divided into specific immunity and non-specific immunity, immunity according to It can be obtained in the following two ways:

1, Innate immunity: this is what people have at birth, for example, swine fever spreads very quickly among pigs, But it is not related to humans, because humans are not born with such diseases;

2. Specific immunity: This kind of immunity is also called acquired immunity or adaptive immunity,< /span>is an essential oil produced after contact with a specific pathogenan immune response that can recognize and initiate a specific pathogen.

Our body has three immune defense lines

1, skin, mucous membranes and secretions

The skin on the body surface and the mucous membrane on the surface of the oral organs form the first line of defense. This series of substances can resist most foreign pathogens by secreting mucus, It has certain lubricating, bacteriostatic and wound healing effects;

2. Bactericidal substances in body fluids

If pathogens are pathogens, they will reach deep tissues through the skin and mucous membranes. It will encounter a second line of defense where phagocytes in the blood will immediately escape the capillaries, gather near the pathogen, and engulf it.

phagocytes contain a variety of bactericidal substances, strong>Such as defensins, lysozyme, lactoferrin, etc.

3, Immune Organs and Immune Cells

The body’s third line of defense consists of immune organs and immune cells, including lymphocytes and lymph nodes, This is the acquired immune system.

In our daily lives, through Constant exposure to pathogens for exercise can enable them to develop antibodies against infectious diseases. This immune effect kills bacteria more accurately than the innate immune system, and And can help prevent cancer cells from appearing.

The body has these 4 manifestations, indicating that your immunity is very low, do not Ignore again

Wounds are not easy to heal

IfIn a state of relatively good immunity, a small wound may heal itself in a day or two, but some people have wounds, even one or two for several days. Months are not good.

Always redness or pus strong>, in this case it is a manifestation of low immunity,

the cold keeps coming

If a cold becomes your daily routine, in an office where no one else has a cold, Only you are constantly catching colds and colds, and the recovery time is relatively slow.This is also a manifestation of low immunity.

Always tired

In daily life, no matter what you doyou can’t keep your spirits up and work efficiently High, often inattention, but can be effectively relieved after a few days of rest, It will be the same again in a few days, which is also a manifestation of low immunity.

Stomach Fragility< /p>

If you eat, it will easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort, this indicates that your body There may be some problems with the self-protection function of the gastrointestinal tract.Effective enhancement of immunity will not cause such a phenomenon.

People with low immunity should try to eat less of these 4 types of vegetables, doctor: don’t Buy stupidly again

Cracked radish

When it comes to radishes, we are all familiar with radishes. Eating radishes properly can help protect our health, in addition to providing sufficient water for the body< span>, can also provide rich nutrients to the body.

But usually when people buy radishes, if they send < /strong>Now that the radish has a taste of love, don’t eat the radish. They all grow in the ground. If the radish has cracks, it is likely to breed. Some bacteria and pathogens.

It is also possible for pesticides to enter it, if you continue to eat such Radishcarton will easily lead to the phenomenon of food poisoning.

cyan tomatoes

Eating some tomatoes properly can enhance immunity and resistance. For female friends, it can also accelerate the discharge of toxins, can Brings beauty and beauty effects.

But you must pay attention to the color of tomatoes when buying tomatoes, span>Never buy cyan tomatoes, which are not fully ripe.

Eating a lot of solanine on a regular basis will not only cause liver damage, It is also easy to weaken the immune system, leading to the problem of gradual decline in people with low immunity itself.

Celery taped

Everyone may have noticed this phenomenon when buying vegetables in the supermarket, that is, some vegetables are bound with tape, Although these vegetables are relatively cheap in comparison,but often eating such vegetables tied with tape can easily cause harm to the body.

We all know that celery is extremely nutritious,It not only hydrates the body, but also helps to replenish potassium.

can have a stable blood pressure control effect, but when you buy celery, it isnot recommended to buy tape-packed celery frequently, otherwise it will be easy for one’s own immunity and resistance to a certain extent.

rootless sprouts

With the continuous progress and development of society, there are many more drugs or hormones in the world< /span>Now, especially some ripening agents or hormone drugs.

Nowadayssome rootless beans span>Sprouts, and these rootless bean sprouts contain many nitrogen compounds, which will be converted into nitrosamines after a period of time. If you eat them for a long time, There may be a risk of cancer to your health.

and for low immunity For friends, often eating will easily aggravate the problem of low immunity, so everyone must buy bean sprouts reasonably when usually.

3 humble foods to boost immunity


Mushrooms are fungi foods, which are rich in protein, calcium, iron and new elements and other nutrients. The fat content of mushrooms is very low.It also contains what the body needs. of amino acids and biologically active substances.

not only can effectively regulate immunity, but also reduce blood lipids, Promoting bone health and other aspects have certain effects.

yogurt p>

yogurt contains a lot of beneficial bacteria, such as bifidobacteriabacteria, Lactobacillus casei , Lactobacillus acidophilus and other beneficial bacteria can attach to the intestinal mucosa of the body, which can effectively prevent harmful bacteria from damaging the body through the intestinal wall.

Appropriate drinking of some yogurt can make the intestinal flora healthy Structural changes, which can effectively clean up toxins and garbage, and can better improve people’s immunitystrength and resistance.


Adding a teaspoon of honey to food or water can effectively improve our immunity and resistance.

Honey itself has very good natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects,< strong>Long-term drinking can improve immunity and prevent bacterial and viral infections.

Conclusion: Although eating more fresh fruits and vegetables properly can bring health benefits, the above The vegetables mentioned are usually kept away, especially for people with weak immunity, they should be more cautious!