“Meridian Massage” Do you know the benefits of rubbing the inner thighs once a day? come and see

Modern people’s lives are under great pressure. Although they pay attention to maintenance, many people still have bad looks; and as they grow older, many middle-aged and elderly friends will also encounter Here is the question of this friend:

The complexion is often pale and haggard, and the face always feels covered It was like a thin layer of yellow gas; and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse.

“I also know to let go of my heart, but every day I feel that there is nothing to make me happy. When I open my eyes, I feel that everything I look at is not pleasing to my eyes, I am always stuffy, and I can’t breathe well.”

Listening to what she said, this is obviouslyThe stasis of the liver meridian and the lack of liver blood. Later, at the suggestion of a Chinese medicine friend, she triedpressing hard on the center of her inner leg every day. After two weeks, her emotional It’s much better, the face is also bright, and the whole person is refreshed.

Rubbing the inner thighs every day is so magical?

Many people will definitely be very surprised, why is this? In fact, if you say it, you will definitely realize it!

In fact, The inner side of our thighs is the liver meridian route. Rubbing the inner thighs every day is massaging the Liver Meridian. The liver meridian is in the gallbladder, directly connected with the lungs, kidneys, stomach, and brain, which is of great significance.

The liver meridian starts from the big toe The Dadun point, which is the point where the gallbladder meridian ends, then goes upward along the instep, then enters the perineum from the inner side of the calf, circles the genitals, enters the lower abdomen, and then goes upward from the side of the stomach, passes through the nasopharynx, and reaches Baihui point on the top of the head , directly intersects with the Du vessel.

Of course, the liver meridian has branches at the eyes, which will descend to the mouth and end in the mouth. There are not many acupuncture points in the whole meridian, and there are 28 points in total on the left and right sides.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “Pain is unreasonable, and pain is not painful”, the question of the friend above,Only by regulating the Liver Meridian is the foundation of healing. Pressing the liver meridian every day can dredge the liver meridian well and successfully clear the blood for the liver bloody feet).

Rubbing the inner thigh every day is the Liver Meridian
Scraping the Liver Meridian every day, no disease Lightweight!

《Huangdi Neijing》The liver is called “the general of the human body”. The general’s task is to lead the “army” to resist the toxins accumulated in the body and constantly invading outside the body.

If the liver meridian is abnormal, the body will present various symptoms of discomfort,Such as poor complexion, dry throat, nausea, diarrhea, vaginal pain, low back pain, pain in the third finger of the foot, irritability, lack of determination, etc. Solving this series of problems seems to be quite strenuous, but in fact, it only takes a little effort—Scraping the Liver Meridian every day.


Soothing the liver and regulating Qi, preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Patting the liver meridian can soothe the liver and regulate qi, and help prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Usually, you can pat the inner thigh from bottom to top.


Nourishing the liver is nourishing the eyes

< span>Xia Chengzhi, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Ophthalmology, Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine said that Chinese medicine believes that “the liver opens up the eyes”, and nourishing the liver is nourishing the eyes. Scraping the liver meridian every day not only nourishes the liver, It is also eye-catching.


eliminate liver anger

Exuberant liver fire will cause symptoms such as thirsty to drink, yellow urine, fever, red tongue with yellow coating, stringy and rapid pulse. It will be accompanied by irritability and dry eyes. The scraping liver meridian can eliminate the anger in the liver.


Smooth qi and blood , Strengthen the body

Scraping the liver meridian can relieve liver fire, It can also open up the liver meridian, so that the qi and blood of this meridian can flow smoothly. The qi and blood of the liver meridian If it is unblocked, the catharsis function of “the liver governs the storage of blood” will become stronger, and the tendons in the body will become more elastic. How can the human body be unhealthy and not strong?


Prevention of hernia and abdominal pain< /p>

There is a disease called hernia, which can be improved to a certain extent by regulating the liver meridian. This is because the liver meridian is the only meridian that goes around the genitals among the twelve meridians.

When men are blocked here, it will manifest as a hernia, while for women, it will be abdominal pain. That’s why I got a stomach ache from anger.

The wonderful method of scraping the liver meridian can be learned in a second!

The method of scraping the liver meridian is very simple, follow the following sentence Do it, you can massage the entire liver meridian:

Method:< /span>Use the heel of your palm to push from the thigh to the knee.

In addition, after making a fist, use the second joint of the four fingers to push down. Push 300 times each time. If you feel that the pain is unbearable, or you are afraid of scratching the skin, you can also apply some soap or other lubricating oils.

Of course, there are Amore useful method is to scrape the Liver Meridian with a rolling pin. Using a rolling pin to rub the inner thighs every day, it’s so easy to use!


Prepare a rolling pin of about 40 cm, and then lie on the bed naturally, with the legs curled up slightly so that the soles of the feet face each other, and the inner thighs naturally Put it on the front.


Hold the rolling pin in your hand and beat from the root of the thigh to the front of the knee joint. The strength should change from small to large, and gradually increase the strength. But the strength must be controlled within the range that you can bear.

Reminder: Generally, it is enough to beat and roll once every night. After rolling the thighs, you can also perform moderate rolling on both sides of the lower abdomen, which will also have the effect of dredging the liver meridian.

Just don’t use too much force on this part. The abdomen cannot be tapped, but you can use the two ends of the rolling pin to press, and the strength should beIt is from light to heavy, gradually increasing, and controlling it within the range that you can bear, so as not to hurt the internal organs.

Rubbing the inner thighs every day, after two weeks, the mood is much better, and there are also spots on the face When the light is off, the whole person is refreshed.

Kneading the inner thigh is the scraping liver meridian, Scrape the liver meridian every day, and you will be free from disease and lighten your body. Such a good method must be distributed to people around you. Use it now!

Source of content: Chinese medicine moxibustion health maintenanceWeChat public account

Editor: Nursing Journal of Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

Correspondent: Qin Shasha, Sun Lei, Wang Jingjing, Dong Wei