Menstrual period? breastfeeding? It is important for women to choose a “good time” for tooth extraction

Tooth extraction may seem like a trivial matter to many women. In fact, tooth extraction can be dangerous to the body if not careful. Therefore, the timing of tooth extraction should be paid attention to in daily health care. So when is the best time to have a tooth pulled? How to judge the best time for women to want to have their teeth extracted? Experts from Changsha Stomatological Hospital answered.

Avoid tooth extraction on an empty stomach

Eat appropriate food before tooth extraction to avoid low blood sugar during tooth extraction. Causes syncope, and cannot eat for 2 to 3 hours after tooth extraction.

Avoid menstrual periods

Menstrual periods, women’s blood coagulation is reduced, such as dental implants or other surgeries during menstruation, heavy bleeding may occur . At the same time, women’s pain nerves are more sensitive during menstruation, and the body’s resistance is relatively reduced, so tooth extraction during menstruation will feel more painful and prone to infection. Therefore, women are best not to treat dental problems during menstruation.

The best period for female tooth extraction is around the 10th day after menstruation, when the wound heals faster and bacterial infection is less likely to occur.

Be careful when extracting teeth during breastfeeding

Tooth extractions generally require the use of anesthetics. At this time, the ingredients of the anesthetics will be absorbed by the child along with the breastfeeding lotion. It is not good for the growth and development of the nervous system of children. If it must be extracted, it is best not to breastfeed within 72 hours after tooth extraction, and wait for 72 hours after the anesthetic is basically metabolized before breastfeeding.

It is best not to extract teeth in the first 3 months and 6 months of pregnancy

Pregnant women have dental complications such as toothache and bleeding gums, such as before pregnancy Treating dental disease, you will no longer suffer from dental disease during pregnancy. Teeth should not be extracted during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Tooth extraction during pregnancy can easily lead to miscarriage, and tooth extraction after pregnancy can easily lead to premature birth. Pregnant women can treat dental disease within 4-6 months of pregnancy. At the same time, pregnant women should strictly prevent colds. Prevent colds from affecting the development of fetuses’ tooth germs or causing other diseases.

Changsha Stomatological Hospital experts remind: It is very important to choose the right time.

1. Be fully mentally prepared to understand whether your wisdom teeth should and must be removed.

2. Arrange study, work or entertainment and leisure activities in advance. After all, tooth extraction is a minor operation, so you still need to rest after the operation. Before traveling

3, it is best to choose to extract teeth in the morning. Because after a night’s rest, people’s mental state and physical state are better.

4. It is necessary to eat something when pulling teeth, because women are prone to hypoglycemia due to stress. Be sure to sleep well the night before tooth extraction, do not work overtime, stay up late, or drink excessively, relax your mind, and ensure a good sleep.

5. Older adults are advised to accompany their family members. It is recommended not to drive by themselves, because of the influence of anesthesia, and there will be certain reactions after surgery, which will affect the ability to control and respond.

6. Wear comfortable and decent clothes. It is also recommended that the clothes should be dark and black. Tooth extraction will cause bleeding, so clothes will be contaminated with blood, and light-colored clothes may not be washed off after being contaminated.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Mei Mei Correspondent Yu Tao

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