Live preview: How to prevent the liver from being “targeted” by cancer cells? Hear what the experts have to say

April 15th to 21st this year is the 28th National Cancer Prevention Awareness Week, with the theme of “Cancer Prevention, Early Action”. As one of the common malignant tumors in my country, liver cancer has few symptoms in the early stage, and the first diagnosis is usually in the advanced stage of liver cancer. So, how to prevent liver cancer? What are the common treatments for liver cancer?

At 15:30 on April 20, Zhao Lei, Deputy Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Deputy Secretary General of the Digestive Professional Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, will be a guest of “The People’s Good Doctor” The client’s live broadcast room will share knowledge about liver cancer prevention and treatment with the majority of netizens. Welcome to watch it at that time.

Expert profile:

Zhao Lei strong>, Chief Physician, Doctoral Supervisor, Postdoctoral Fellow of Harvard Medical School, Huazhong Outstanding Scholar. Deputy Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Union Hospital, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, double-appointed professor of the National Research Center of Optoelectronics, National Advanced Individual of Anti-epidemic of the Central China Democratic National Construction Association, backbone of social conditions and public opinion of the Central China Democratic National Construction Association, presided over three projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and published 52 SCI papers (the first / Corresponding author), vice chairman and chairman-designate of the Liver Disease Branch of the Asia-Pacific Medical Bioimmune Society, director of the China Medical Education Association, member of the Standing Committee of the Liver Disease Branch, member of the Standing Committee of the Infectious Disease Branch of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Chinese Medical Doctor Association Integrative Medicine Physician Branch Foundation and Member of the Standing Committee of the Translational Medicine Committee, Deputy Secretary General of the Digestive Professional Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, and Executive Deputy Secretary General of the Infectious Diseases Branch of the European and American Students Association Physicians Association.

Good at: Diagnosis and treatment of various liver diseases, fever, infectious diseases and related immune imbalances; various types of viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver, fatty liver, liver cancer, severe and Multidisciplinary comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of mixed infections, febrile diseases and related immune system diseases, parasitic diseases and viral infections.

How to watch the live broadcast:

1. Download the People’s Good Doctor App and enter the “Famous Doctor Live Broadcast” section to watch.

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The live broadcast is on the People’s Good Doctor App, please scan the QR code to download or search for “People’s Good Doctor” in the Apple Market and Android Market.

Second, pay attention to the public micro-signal of people’s health (micro-signal: rmwjkpd), click on the “Download the People’s Good Doctor App” in the lower right corner of the health interaction, and enter the client to watch after downloading.

Important Note: The People’s Good Doctor client only provides popular science about diseases, not specific diagnoses and prescriptions. If you feel unwell, please seek medical attention in time.