Liaocheng City People’s Hospital Dongchangfu District Fever Clinic will resume admissions on February 28

Qilu Evening News·Qilu One Point

According to the unified deployment of the epidemic prevention and control work in Dongchangfu District, Liaocheng City, Liaocheng City People’s Hospital Dongchangfu District (Chat City Dongchangfu People’s Hospital) fever clinic will resume on February 28, 2022 (Monday). When patients go to the fever clinic, they must wear a mask, show their health code and itinerary code, maintain a one-meter distance, and enter the fever clinic for treatment. Family members must wait outside, and severe patients can be accompanied by a family member.

Location of the fever clinic: In the northeast corner of the hospital, after entering from the north gate of the hospital (entrance of Songgui Road), you can see the eye-catching fever clinic sign on the east.

Fever clinic consultation telephone: 8228052