It took only 3 years for carotid plaque to disappear completely. The 52-year-old uncle’s practice was praised by the doctor

“I found carotid plaque, doctor, what should I do?”

< span>Uncle Wang, 52, was diagnosed with carotid plaque in a routine physical examination. He has relatively little knowledge of medicine.He thought he had a serious thrombosis. I even feel like I’m going to have a stroke, and my life won’t be long.

“Don’t worry too much, the carotid plaque is not a thrombus, it’s not fatal!” Seeing Uncle Wang’s panicked appearance, the doctor couldn’t bear it Live reminded.

“But after carotid plaques appear, it means that blood clots are more likely to occur in the blood vessels, and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will also increase. Here Prescribe a little medicine for you, and the most important thing is to get rid of the plaque first.” Despite what the doctor said, Uncle Wang was still concerned about the symptoms of carotid plaque.

Carotid plaque, is it a serious disease?

I believe that many friends who have found carotid plaques will have the same concerns as Uncle Wang: Think that plaques are equal to blood clots, which is a very dangerous disease.

But in fact, the blood in the blood vessels in the process of flowing, the blood The impurities in the blood will inevitably be deposited, and if there are too many deposited impurities, a solid substance different from the blood will be formed, and this substance is called “plaque”. Over time, the symptoms of plaque in the blood vessels of middle-aged and elderly people will inevitably appear.

That is,early carotid plaque, which does not cause Serious cardiovascular disease, but if you don’t pay attention to it for a long time and don’t take measures to regulate blood vessels, the plaque will continue to accumulate and form large fragments , At this time, it will become the familiar “thrombosis”, which may cause stroke, myocardial infarction and other serious diseases, and even take people’s lives.

In conclusion, to find carotid plaque, there is no need to be too nervous, but it still needs to cause Pay attention, do not let the disease continue to develop.

After learning about the symptoms of carotid plaque, Uncle Wang also calmed down and was ready to start vascular maintenance work. Desire for health, Uncle Wang took only 3 years to see no traces of carotid plaques after re-examination. Even the doctor was full of praise for Uncle Wang’s practice.

It only takes 3 years to eliminate carotid plaque, Uncle Wang’s practice is worth learning from

< span>The doctor and Uncle Wang said that carotid plaque is a vascular type disease, and the treatment cannot be remembered. Only by taking care of both medicine and life can it have an effective effect.

First of all, Uncle Wang has never made a mistake in taking medicine for 3 years

The treatment of carotid plaques requires the support of drugs, such as aspirin, statins, etc. Different patients require different treatment courses.

So after the doctor formulated the medication plan, Uncle Wang hardly changed it without authorization in the past 3 years. He took the medication on time every day and the medication was very effective. Smooth, but also to promote its better treatment effect.

Many patients with carotid plaquesare eager to achieve success and change or increase the dosage of drugs without authorization , finallyit will affect the recuperation of blood vessels, resulting in aggravation of the condition. It is the best choice to learn from Uncle Wang’s meticulous medication habits and follow the doctor’s advice.

In order to cure the disease, Uncle Wang got rid of all bad habits

Uncle Wang had the habit of smoking and drinking because of work.

the effects of smoking and drinkingTobacco poisoning and alcohol intake can cause blood vessel irritation, making blood vessels sticky and increasing the hidden danger and risk of plaque.

So after taking medication for carotid plaque, Uncle Wang also got rid of these bad habits, actively adjusted his life behavior, and improved blood quality. , carotid plaque also disappears faster.

Regular check-ups, even when taking medicines

Unlike many carotid artery patients, Uncle Wang did not relax his health supervision because of taking medicine. While taking medicine, Uncle Wang has always maintained the habit of regular check-ups. Through regular inspections, we can judge the effect of drugs in the body, so as to adjust the treatment plan in time, so as to achieve the best treatment effect.

and doctors also recommend that for carotid patients, even during medication, Regular inspections every six months are also highly recommended.

In summary, the reason why Uncle Wang was able to remove all carotid plaques within 3 years, and his Taking medicine on time, quitting bad habits, and checking regularly are inseparable. Although this may seem simple, it can really be checked and done well But it is difficult. And Uncle Wang also relied on this to successfully defeat the disease.

Uncle Wang’s practice against carotid plaque is very worth learning. In addition, for friends who do not have carotid plaque symptoms, the health of blood vessels cannot be ignored.We usually reduce the intake of oil and salt to avoid staying up late and gaining weight is a simple and effective way to protect blood vessels. I hope everyone can keep it in mind and develop healthy daily habits.


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