Is there a warning before someone dies? Know 4 physical indicators that may predict how old you will live

Birth, old age, sickness and death must be faced by everyone, whether they are ordinary people or dignitaries. Usually after the age of 65, the aging speed of the body gradually accelerates, and the functions of various organs also degenerate, and various problems follow one after another. After research, it has been found that body functions can send early warning signals as early as 10 years before death. Therefore, certain indicators can be used to evaluate a person’s lifespan, especially focusing on the following four indicators.

Which indicators are related to longevity?

1. Sit-stand ability

Assessed by squat posture during the process from sitting to standing Lower extremity joint ligament flexibility, to determine the health of the knee joint. The better the flexibility of the ligaments and the healthier the joints of the lower extremities, the lower the risk of lower extremity dysfunction, thus increasing life expectancy.

The posture of sitting cross-legged can evaluate the health of the lumbar spine. Generally, those with poor lumbar spine have poor exercise intensity, which affects the health of the body. Returning from a seated position to a standing position without the aid of the arms allows an assessment of balance and coordination. If the balance of middle-aged and elderly people is poor, they are very likely to fall and cause fractures. In severe cases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents can be induced, thereby shortening life expectancy.

2. Daily activities

The ability to take care of yourself can be assessed through daily activities. If you cannot go to the toilet, go to the supermarket, wear clothes, and cook, etc., it indicates that aging is aggravating, and muscle mass is also sharply reduced, especially sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is the gradual reduction of the total amount of muscle in the body, the muscle mass also decreases, and the physiological function of the muscle decreases. Sarcopenia is not a small problem, it can easily cause physical weakness and lead to organ failure, thereby reducing quality of life and shortening life expectancy.

3. Grip strength

Grip strength is used to assess heart conditions, grip strength The better, the stronger the heart function. Heart disease is bound to reduce cardiac function, reducing cardiac output and blood flow to various tissues and organs, thereby reducing strength.

The highest incidence is coronary heart disease, and atherosclerosis is the basis of its incidence , which in turn affects the power of the body. Under normal circumstances, 40-year-old men and women have a grip strength of 43-50kg and 27-31kg, respectively. Decrease in grip strength should be the first time to think of a decrease in cardiac function or the occurrence of systemic arteriosclerosis.

4. Walking speed

Walking speed is an important indicator for evaluating the length of life. People who walk faster have better cardiopulmonary function. Under normal circumstances, the heartbeat reaches 600 to 100 beats per minute, and multiple systems are involved when walking, especially the respiratory system. People with poor lung function who experience shortness of breath after walking for a while have a shorter life expectancy.

You may wish to draw a 4-meter line on the floor, and record at your usual walking speed. The walking speed can be calculated by dividing the time from the starting point to the ending point by 4. If your pace decreases too much over a period of time, seek medical attention as soon as possible.


If you want to improve the above 4 indicators, you must ensure that the bones To be healthy, eat more calcium-rich foods such as milk, fresh vegetables and eggs; sun exposure for about 30 minutes a day is conducive to vitamin D synthesis and calcium absorption. In addition, maintaining moderate exercise, such as walking, playing Tai Chi or brisk walking, can reduce blood lipids and blood sugar, and can prevent hardening of the arteries and prevent Alzheimer’s disease; at the same time, you should read more and communicate with others to delay the brain cellular senescence.

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