Is there a scientific basis for the ancients’ way of life of “no food after noon”?

Do you regularly go to the hospital to check your health? A survey data shows that most of the regular physical examinations are middle-aged and elderly people, and young people often feel that it is unnecessary, but in fact today’s young people are also a group with very serious sub-health, so whether they are middle-aged and elderly people or young people, It is still necessary to have regular checkups to check your health status.

In fact, health and longevity have always been the pursuit of human beings. For example, our ancients discovered very early that human health and longevity are not only deeply affected by nature. The influence of the environment is also closely related to our diet.


So in today’s increasingly developed medicine, people still have great interest in the concept of ancient health preservation, take my friends here Say, I have a good sister who is imitating the ancients’ “no food after noon”, saying that this kind of eating habit not only helps to lose weight and lose weight, but also can lead to health and longevity, so the ancients often said “no food after noon” makes sense? Does it really have such a miraculous effect? any scientific evidence?

The ancients said “don’t eat after noon”, does it mean no longer eat after noon? In fact, this is not the case. The earliest source of “no food after noon” is a precept derived from Buddhism, which means that food cannot be eaten outside the specified time. Generally, it refers to the period from noon to dawn of the next day. It is allowed to eat, so it is called “no food after noon”.


Buddhists believe that not eating after noon can help people reduce many external desires, and secondly, it can also reduce the burden of offerings to lay people, because at that time Buddhism Disciples mainly rely on almsgiving and offerings, and eat less to reduce consumption, and then the corresponding benefit is that people can meditate more attentively, which is conducive to practice, so this is the Buddhist attitude towards “no food after noon” .

Of course, for modern people, “no food after noon” is more regarded as a traditional concept of health preservation, because the ancients also It is true that there was a habit of “no food after noon”, but this “noon” does not mean no longer eating anything after noon, but refers to the ancient eating habit of two meals a day and less food after noon.


The ancients generally had a “big meal” between eight or nine in the morning, which means a full meal. After eating enough, then at three or five o’clock in the afternoon, I will have a “snack”. The snack is just to eat a little to cushion the stomach, and then prepare to rest. The rules of life are consistent.

This eating habit has been used until the royal family of the Qing Dynasty, and it also followed the habit of only having breakfast and dinner in a day, a total of two meals. It’s just that the meal of snacks or dinner is relatively simple and casual, especially for dinner, the amount of food you eat is strictly controlled, so “no food after lunch” mainly refers to the habit of two meals a day and less food after lunch.


Modern people imitate the ancients’ lifestyle of “no food after noon”, will they really achieve the effect of health and longevity? I don’t think it will work in high probability, because the natural environment where modern and ancient people live is completely different, and various life pressures and physical and energy consumption are very different from those in ancient times.

The material conditions of the ancients were limited. In most historical periods, as long as ordinary people could barely eat, it was not bad. You just wanted to eat three meals a day. There is no such condition for four meals, and then the life in ancient times was very simple. There was no such wonderful life as we are now. Apart from work, there was basically no consumption of much physical strength and energy, and two meals a day were enough to support their normal life.


However, modern people are under great work pressure and various social activities are rich and colorful.A lot of energy supplements can keep people in a good state. If you blindly reduce your nutrient intake in the way of “no food after noon”, it may have a negative impact on your health. Therefore, “no food after noon is healthy.” Longevity”, we still have to look at it dialectically.

Of course, this is not to say that the ancients’ way of not eating after noon is not good, but that when we are trying to maintain health, it is best to Make a more scientific plan according to your actual situation, instead of blindly following the so-called ancient method of health preservation.