Is the sudden explosion of “crawling exercise” a body-friendly action?

It took millions of years for human beings to move from limbs to upright walking, but the latest popular sport can instantly “return people to their original form” – crawling.

There are “crawlers” in parks, homes, and even campuses, many netizens shared Experience the experience of trying to crawl by yourself, and feel the charm of landing on all fours.

According to feedback from netizens, crawling not only decompresses, but also makes people faintly Feel the ancient call.

At the same time, “Crawling literature” has also been born out of nowhere, occupying a place on major social media.

In order to help crawlers crawl better, some netizens “intimately” summarized Crawling pose and hand drawn illustration.

What kind of exercise effect can crawling have? “Life Times” interviewed experts to analyze the pros and cons of “crawling” for you.

Experts interviewed

Zhu Zexing, Deputy Chief Physician of the Orthopedics Department of the Rocket Army Special Medical Center

Jiang Zanli, Deputy Chief Physician, Spine Surgery Center, Nanjing Zhongda Hospital

< span>Lu Yifan, Professor of Sports Medicine Department of Beijing Sport University

Crawling has been “out of the circle” since ancient times

In the eyes of many people, crawling is economical and effective. It can be done anytime, anywhere.

In fact, in China, crawling exercises have long been adopted. Crawling fitness originated from Hua Tuo’s Wu Qin Xi, and achieved fitness goals by imitating the crawling movements of animals .

In Wu Qin Xi, there are similar movements in “Tiger Poses” and “Deer Poses” , helps to stretch the muscles and bones.

Summary of the popular crawling exercises on social platforms can be roughly divided into two ways:

Kneeling and crawling

Crawling with hands and knees touching the ground, hands and knees alternately.

Posture: head stretched out, fingers touching the ground separately, arms shoulder-width apart, knees touching the ground shoulder-width apart.

Hands and feet crawling

Crawling with hands and feet touching the ground, hands and feet alternately.

Status: head stretched out, five fingers touching the ground separately, arms shoulder-width apart, feet touching the ground about a shoulder and a half width apart, the soles of the feet touching the ground, knees slightly bent.

What benefits does crawling bring to the body

In addition to making people Returning to the original, what benefits does crawling bring to the human body?

Relieve back pain

Since humans walk upright, It might start to hurt your back. If the four limbs are on the ground, the weight of the person’s body is dispersed, which can relatively reduce the burden on the waist.

The lumbar extension movement during crawling avoids the continuous backward impact of the nucleus pulposus , and make the posteriorly displaced nucleus pulposus have a tendency to move to the normal position, preventing the nucleus pulposus from breaking through the annulus fibrosus and entering the spinal canal;

Leaning the lower back can make the lower back muscles more tense and elastic, and enhance the stability of the lumbar spine.

Coordinate the muscles of the whole bodyCrawling is a coordinated activity of the whole body, which can make some less used muscles The muscles are exercised and the muscles, ligaments, and bones of the whole body are strengthened.

Enhance core strengthThe British “Daily Mail” stated that this training not only enhances the overall strength of the body, but also Builds stamina and stability—from wrists and shoulders to hips, ankles and toes.

Crawling uses body weight to maintain muscle tension, similar to planks and other long-term exercises. Isometric exercises are good for building core strength.

helps to decompress

stretches the neck and stretches the waist The feeling of “self-release” when moving and crawling is conducive to physical and mental relaxation, which is one of the reasons why crawling is becoming more and more popular.

Conducive to the development of “sensory integration” Full crawling is a comprehensive sensory comprehensive training, which can promote the coordinated development of the whole body movement and make the attention more concentrated.

For infants and young children, crawling can make them form a normal physiological curvature of the lumbar spine, which is of great significance to brain development, body and limb coordination.

When crawling, watch out for these parts

The benefits of crawling are overwhelming Deny, but not everyone is suitable for this action.

Injury to the wrist

From the perspective of upper limbs, If the wrist supports the ground too much during exercise, it may cause damage to the soft tissue around the wrist, which will eventually lead to a decrease in grip strength and cause wrist pain.

Cause joint wear

From the perspective of the lower limbs, Crawling can cause soft tissue damage around the knee joint. For example, crawling on the knee joint will increase the compression on the cartilage surface of the patella.

Negative effect on blood pressure, heart< /strong>

The position of the buttocks may be higher than the head during crawling exercise, blood will gather to the head, heart and other places during the exercise, suffering from high blood pressure, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular People with diseases are at risk of inducing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.

People with anemia or low blood pressure will feel dizzy even if they simply squat up, while crawling requires lowering the center of gravity. Fainted due to lack of blood supply to the brain.

A scientific crawl, pay attention to 5 details

For crawling, Experts do not recommend blindly following the trend. If you really want to try this kind of exercise, pay attention to the following points.

Choose a flat and warm site

In terms of site selection, it is best to be in a warm room . A large cushion can be prepared indoors to facilitate crawling and reduce the risk of injury.

If you are crawling outdoors, you should choose a park with a relatively flat ground, and when the weather is warm and Do it when there is sunshine. It is best for the elderly to walk together, encourage and take care of each other.

Be protective

It is recommended to wear protective equipment such as wrist guards, knee pads, and gloves , wearing comfortable, lightweight athletic shoes and sportswear.

Warm up before crawling

Before crawling, you should warm up and stretch Exercise, and then bend down slowly. If you feel dizzy and numb in your hands and feet, stop immediately.

The speed should be slow

Keep your head upright when crawling, and the speed should not be too fast; To prevent upper limb injury, do not get up too fast.

Patients with serious diseases of hands, feet and knees, as well as heart disease, high blood pressure and eye diseases are not suitable for this exercise.

Don’t do it after a meal

It is not advisable to do this exercise after a meal to avoid food reaction flow. Generally crawling 1-2 times a day, it is advisable to have a slight body heat.

In addition, crawling is not the only way to exercise the lumbar spine. There are many exercise methods that can achieve this effect, such as hip bridge, plank support, and Xiao Yanfei. ▲

Source: Life Times