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Xiao Deng reported that he met a man on the Internet some time ago, and the other party said he was introducing her to work in Hangzhou. After coming to Hangzhou, she was taken to a plastic surgery hospital to have her face done.

Xiao Deng: “I said I didn’t have a job. He said he could help me introduce him. He said that if he was a hotel in Hangzhou, I could come to the front desk. (Where are you from?) I was in Jinhua at the time.”< /p>

Xiao Deng said that the other party said at the time that the salary was guaranteed to be 6,000, and she thought it was appropriate, so she came to Hangzhou from Jinhua. After the meeting, the other party began to pick on her appearance.

Xiao Deng: “I said that I’m not good-looking, and I have braces. If I want to go to work, I need to improve my image. I can take you to plastic surgery. I work here, and you don’t have to worry about money.”

Xiao Deng said that he was taken to Hangzhou Xiaoshan Lido Hemei Medical Beauty Clinic. After the face-to-face consultation, the doctor suggested that she could have a double eyelid and a nose pad.

Xiao Deng: “At that time, I thought it was okay, so I went to get it, and they took my mobile phone to take out a loan. After I got it done, they asked me to sign, record a video, etc. (mobile phone) password for me I told them to take me for a skin test, a blood test, a urine test, and a test. (Who are they?) It’s something special loan from the hospital, and someone who brought me over for plastic surgery.”

Xiao Deng said that he later found out that the principal was 45,000 yuan, and the interest was about 60,000 to 70,000 yuan. He was shocked.

Xiao Deng: “At that time, I didn’t want to do it. They said that it was already loaned. It’s impossible for you to take it away, so I had to sign. (What project did I do?) Eyes and nose.”

Xiao Deng said that she has been waiting for news since the complete shape, but the other party did not advance the work with her.

The man who contacted Xiao Deng: “When she came, I said it was KTV’s job. (What’s the nature?) Beverages, beverage promotions, here in Shangcheng, she has already resigned, she knows Yes. (How many days did you work?) One day, she said she wanted to get braces, so she went back, we paid her the fare, and said you came back early.”

The man said that Xiao Deng contacted him at first because he posted relevant information on the online platform. As far as he knows, Xiao Deng went to other companies to interview for jobs in this area before, and he went there for two or three days. He was only found later, and he also worked there, but Xiao Deng didn’t come back later. In this regard, Xiao Deng categorically denied it. As for the plastic surgery, the other party responded like this:

The man who contacted Xiao Deng: “We need girls for work here, look at the image based on the height, I asked her if plastic surgery is acceptable, she said yes, then I said there is a girl here, I did it in that hospital, let that girl take you to see it, I didn’t participate in the whole process.”

The man said that the woman who took Xiao Deng to the plastic surgery hospital may be busy and it is not convenient to call. According to his understanding, in the process, the signatures were all voluntarily by Xiao Deng.

The man who contacted Xiao Deng: “There is no coercion in the middle, she voluntarily, I am not an intermediary, I am an employee who works here, if I do a stick to a stick, then your phone will not work. Need to pick up.”

The reporter wanted to know what happened in the plastic surgery hospital at that time, but the staff of Hangzhou Xiaoshan Lido Hemei Medical Beauty Clinic said that the person in charge was not there, and they had made an appointment with Xiao Deng to communicate.

Hangzhou Xiaoshan Lido Hemei Medical Beauty Clinic staff: “The person in charge must come over, right? I’m just an employee. (I’ll leave you with my contact information.) Yes. (Call me back then. ) Yes.”

Later, Xiao Deng’s family called and said the matter had been negotiated.

Xiao Deng’s family: “Our interest was waived, but we were told to repay the money immediately. We already borrowed the money today, and we repaid the money immediately. Their hospital (in addition) waived 10,000 yuan for us, We still have more than 36,000.”

Lido and Medical Beauty later contacted reporters, emphasizing that Xiao Deng did not have any compulsive behavior when he was in the hospital. The 10,000 yuan given to Xiao Deng was because of her young age, and out of humanitarianism, she was asked to repay the loan.

(1818 Golden Eye)