Inflammation is the “bane” of cancer! Suffering from these 4 kinds of inflammation, I advise you not to procrastinate

Redness, swelling, heat and pain, when it comes to inflammation, almost everyone is familiar with it.

In the consciousness of many people, body inflammation is a small problem, not an incurable disease, as long as Drink some water, and at most ask the doctor to prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs.

But studies have found that about 1/5 of cancer patients in China have long-term chronic inflammation, and the remaining 4 /5 Although there is no chronic inflammation background, their cancer cells also have inflammatory cell infiltration.

In other words, inflammation can sometimes become an accomplice to cancer. From inflammation to cancer, just one word difference, how does it develop? And how to avoid it?

Today, let’s talk about 4 types of inflammation that are more likely to develop into cancer in daily life.


Generally, under the action of multiple carcinogenic factors such as Helicobacter pylori, most of the evolution from gastritis to gastric cancer will go through four processes, that is, from the original mildest chronic superficial gastritis to gradual It develops into chronic atrophic gastritis, and 50% to 60% of gastric cancers will be combined with atrophic gastritis.

If there is no intervention and treatment in this process, gastritis will further develop and form the heteroplasia of epithelial cells, Finally, it gradually transformed into gastric cancer.

Image source: Shetu

< span> Once gastric cancer occurs, it is prone to local invasion, lymphatic metastasis, and distant organ metastasis, which means that the best treatment period has been lost. At this time, due to the lesions of gastric cells, the patient will experience stomach discomfort, even severe pain, and even gastric bleeding in severe cases.

Clinically, gastric cancer in some patients is due to not paying attention to the treatment of early gastritis, allowing the disease to progress Development and evolution, eventually leading to gastric cancer.

High-risk groups

age 40+

Combination of any of the following risk factors

  • family history of gastric or esophageal cancer
  • Suffering from chronic atrophic gastritis, chronic gastric ulcer and other stomach diseases
  • Helicobacter pylori infection
  • Irregular diet, eating too fast, eating pickled and smoked foods, high-salt diet, People with bad eating habits such as eating less fresh vegetables
  • Long-term alcoholics and smokers
  • People with long-term emotional stress and poor spirits

Prevention suggestions

  1. Cultivate the habit of serving chopsticks and spoons to avoid cross-infection of Helicobacter pylori.
  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables, at least 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables every day.
  3. Avoid high-salt foods, smoked grilled foods, and processed meats.
  4. Diversified food intake and balanced nutrition.
  5. Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  6. Maintain a healthy weight and exercise more.


< span>Enteritis is chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. If not properly treated, long-term inflammatory stimulation may lead to cancer, such as inflammatory bowel polyps, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, etc.

The occurrence of colon cancer is a long-term gradual process, and it is formed by the participation of many factors.

Source: Shepi

First of all, ignoring the treatment is likely to cause atrophic changes, which will lead to intestinal polyps, and intestinal polyps, especially adenomatous polyps, are recognized as a type with high precancerous lesions.

The process from polyp to cancer usually takes 5-15 years on average. Resection, it can greatly reduce the occurrence of bowel cancer.

High-risk groups


  • Family history of colorectal cancer
  • Like to eat high-fat food
  • Long-term constipation and blood in the stool
  • Suffering from intestinal diseases, cholecystitis and other related chronic diseases
  • Long-term mental depression
  • Staying up late for a long time

Prevention suggestions

  1. Colonoscopy, every 5 years over the age of 50 One colonoscopy, one digital rectal examination per year, if polyps are found, deal with them according to the situation.
  2. Quit smoking and drinking.
  3. Eat less high-animal protein and high-fat foods, reduce consumption of refined grains, and reduce pickled and smoked foods.
  4. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
  5. Exercising more than 3 times a week for more than 30 minutes each time can help promote the health of the immune system, reduce intestinal inflammation, and reduce the risk of cancer.


The main manifestation of pancreatitis is recurrent upper abdominal pain symptoms, accompanied by different degrees of pancreatic and exocrine dysfunction or loss.

Especially chronic pancreatitis is a very complicated disease, if left untreated for a long time, it will continue to damage the pancreatic tissue, In the process of injury and partial repair, dysplastic changes will occur, which will lead to fibrous hyperplasia of the pancreas, which is likely to cause local malignant transformation.

Image source:

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most malignant tumors, mainly because the pancreas is located in the retroperitoneum, the location is hidden, and the clinical symptoms lack specificity, so the mortality rate is also extremely high.

High-risk groups

Over 40 years old, especially over 50 years old, combined with any of the following risk factors:

  • Having a family history of pancreatic cancer
  • Having a history of diabetes, especially without New-onset diabetes patients with family genetic history in the past 3 years
  • History of long-term smoking, drinking, high-protein, high-fat diet
  • Symptoms such as upper and middle abdominal fullness and discomfort, abdominal pain, poor appetite, fatigue, diarrhea, weight loss, or backache without obvious cause
  • Recurrent episodes of chronic pancreatitis, especially chronic pancreatitis with biliary stones
  • Principal pancreatitis In patients with cast mucinous papilloma, mucinous cystic adenoma, and solid pseudopapillary tumor, blood CA19-9 increased

Prevention Advice

  1. Restrict alcohol consumption , drink as little as possible, it is best not to drink.
  2. Quit smoking.
  3. Eat light, low-fat, digestible food.
  4. Appropriately eat more poultry, fish and shrimp foods, and eat more “ten” flower vegetables such as green vegetables, cabbage, radishes, and broccoli.
  5. Actively engage in outdoor aerobic exercise.
  6. Patients with pancreatic cystic adenoma, bile duct stones, pancreatic ductal mucinous papilloma, and other benign pancreatic lesions should seek medical attention in time.


< span>Hepatitis – cirrhosis – liver cancer, known as the liver cancer trilogy.

First of all, the process of hepatitis developing into cirrhosis is that liver cells continue to die, fibroblasts proliferate and synthesize a large number of The collagen fibers in the liver replace most of the liver tissue, causing the liver to become hard and small, which results in cirrhosis.

Then further development will cause more liver cells to have problems in the process of DNA replication, thus leading to the occurrence of liver cancer.

Image source: Shetu

It should also be noted that some hepatitis can directly transform into liver cancer without the formation of liver cirrhosis.

High-risk groups

  • Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and/or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection
  • < li data-track="121">Excessive alcohol consumption

  • Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
  • < li data-track="123">Patients with liver cirrhosis

  • Long-term consumption of food contaminated with aflatoxin< /li>
  • cirrhosis caused by various other causes
  • family history of liver cancer, etc. Crowd
  • With the above risk factors, men over 40 years old are more at risk

Prevention Advice

  1. Hepatitis B vaccination.
  2. Regular inspection, especially for high-risk groups, it is recommended to consider screening every six months for those over 40 years old. If there is a problem with the liver, further CT or MRI testing is required.
  3. People with HBV or HCV infection should be treated with anti-HBV or HCV virus and monitored regularly.
  4. Prevention of aflatoxin exposure.
  5. Reduce alcohol intake and prevent alcoholic liver disease.

The above four common inflammations in the body are all likely to turn into cancer.

Fortunately, it is a long process from a benign disease to a precancerous state and then to a cancerous state, That gives us plenty of time to catch it early.

Once found, we must pay enough attention to it, and carry out active treatment and adjust lifestyle.

Otherwise, a “flammation” disagreement will cause cancer.

Special Reminder:< span>The above popular science content is only for experience exchange, taking into account individual differences, if you feel unwell, you can consult a professional doctor online; if you have an emergency, please go to the offline hospital immediately!

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Cover source/Photograph

Editorial planning/ Doctor Miaoshou new media group


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