Indigestion diet help

Digestive help for indigestion

Chengdu, Sichuan/Sun Qingwen

Indigestion is a common symptom. Especially during the holidays, the food is often injured due to improper diet, mainly manifested as abdominal fullness, belching, hiccups and other symptoms. If indigestion occurs, you can use diet therapy first without using drugs, and you will often get satisfactory results.

Hawthorn Malt< /p>

10 grams of fried malt, 10 grams of burnt hawthorn, add some water to the upper two flavors, cook for more than 20 minutes, add in brown sugar 10 grams, divided into 2 to 3 times.

The malt is sweet in taste, warm in nature, and can digest food and stomach. Modern research shows that malt not only contains amylase, invert carbohydrase and proteolytic enzymes, but also promotes the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin. Hawthorn acid is sweet and slightly warm, which has the functions of appetizing and reducing stagnation, increasing appetite, containing lipase, and can increase the secretion of gastric digestive enzymes, and has the best effect of eliminating the accumulation of flesh. The two medicines are combined, and the effects of digestion, stomach and digestion are particularly good.

Sanxian Xiaozhi Drink

Take 30 grams of fresh hawthorn (pitted), 50 grams of fresh radish, and 10 grams of fresh orange peel, wash and shred, add some water to a pot, cook on high heat for 30 minutes, remove Take the juice from the residue and add a small amount of rock sugar.

Radish and orange peel are good for stomach, smooth qi and digestion, and match with hawthorn, they have a stronger effect of appetizing and resolving stagnation, and can increase appetite.

Sanxian Xiaoshi Powder

Jiao Sanxian (Hawthorn, Malt, Divine Comedy) 30g each, 15g fried radish, 10g Jiao Rhubarb, 10g fried chicken Neijin, grind them finely, each time Use 1 to 3 grams, 3 times a day.

Sanxian Xiaoshi Powder has strong digestion and transforming power, especially for patients with food accumulation and malnutrition with abdominal distention and fullness.

lotus seed yam cake

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120g Jiao Shan Hawthorn (pitted), 30g Fried Chicken Neijin, 300g Crispy Rice, 60g lotus seeds, 30g dried tangerine peel, 120g Huai yam powder, 100g jujube meat, Add glutinous rice flour, rice flour, and sugar to the right amount, steam the cake or bake it into pancakes (pancakes can be added without sugar and salt), and eat on an empty stomach as a snack for 1 week.

Suitable for dyspepsia patients with weak spleen and stomach.

Chicken Raisin Porridge

15 grams of chicken neijin, washed and fried until yellow, 10 grams of radish seeds, fried until yellow, grind them together and set aside. Take 30 grams of coke hawthorn (pitted) and cook porridge together with an appropriate amount of japonica rice (about 100 grams). When the porridge is cooked, add the prepared chicken neijin and radish seed powder, and eat the porridge (you can add an appropriate amount of sugar).

It has the effect of nourishing stomach and digestion, suitable for children and elderly patients.

Ginger Afternoon Tea

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1 pack of afternoon tea, add two or three slices of ginger, soak in boiling water.

Afternoon tea has the effect of dispelling wind, removing dampness and neutralizing the body. Ginger relieves the exterior and disperses cold, warms and stops vomiting. It can cure diarrhea caused by cold after eating, and it usually heals after serving 2 times.

Other Common Digestive Recipes

1. 15 grams of fried Divine Comedy, 2 grams of cloves, and 10 grams of fried citrus aurantium.

2. The rice is charred and ground into fine powder. Take 6 grams with warm water, 3 times a day, to treat abdominal distention and pain due to food accumulation.

3. An appropriate amount of white radish, 1 cup of smashed juice, taken in divided doses, can cure food accumulation caused by soy products and rice cakes.

4. Chew hawthorn slices or hawthorn cakes in moderation to treat meat accumulation and injury.

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Director of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hosted by Institute of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences p>

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