In a bad mood, will it cause cancer?

Pineapple Says

The following is the text version:

There is a saying called cancer personality, is there such a thing?

The following does not represent the general view of the scientific community. Personally, I don’t think this thing can be proven, because I can’t find a group of people who are depressed every day, find a group of people who are happy every day, and then come to do the experiment. Even people who talk about cross talk are depressed, so scientifically it is very difficult to study.

But I personally think it’s possible, why? I will tell you my own thoughts. When you are in a bad mood, or when you are anxious, for example, your boss puts a lot of pressure on you, it will cause your stress response.

What is a stress response?

Imagine you are walking on the prairie and suddenly a lion appears, or like now, your boss suddenly appears and all your nerves are tense, All the muscles are tense, and the energy of your whole body is concentrated in the important places of your brain, muscles, etc.

But human energy is not infinite, so at the same time some of your organs and systems are turned off because they are not important at that point. What’s not important anymore? Immune system. Because the immune system is related to the long-term survival of human beings, you are about to die, and you can’t care about bacteria and viruses, so at the end of our entire stress response, there will be an up-regulation of glucocorticoids.

Glucocorticoids are the most widely used immunosuppressants in clinical practice. For example, if you have autoimmune diseases and your immune system is too strong, you will use Glucocorticoids suppress your immune system.

So when you are in a state of stress for a long time, the body will continue to give you immunosuppressive drops, which will make your immune system weaken. So persistent anxiety, I personally think it may increase your risk of cancer, but again, I can’t prove it, so be happy.

Being a human being, the most important thing is to be happy 🙂

Salute to life!


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