Impressions of Paris: Biting winds on the Seine and few tourists

Text/Xiong Zongrong

Today is the last day of our European trip in Paris and Europe. In the evening, we will take off from Charles de Gaulle airport, leave Paris, and say goodbye to Europe. But today’s excursion is full of arrangements, to visit the Eiffel Tower, to visit the Seine River, to pass through the new district of La Difangsi, and finally to admire the famous Versailles Palace.

Today’s weather is particularly gloomy and cold. In addition, I packed my windbreaker into a suitcase and prepared to check in early in the morning, which made my body even more thin. As soon as I went out, I was shivering with cold.

Paris Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower stands on the wide square on the left bank of the Seine superior. This tower, known as the “Shepherdess of the Clouds”, is the symbol of Paris and the pride of the French. Anyone who has been to Paris has never climbed the Eiffel Tower. This behemoth composed of 7,000 tons of steel connections was built by the French government for the Universal Exposition hosted in Paris in 1889. Its designer is Gustave Eiffel. At that time, the construction of this tower was strongly protested by a group of famous people such as Maupassant, who believed that the steel shelf of this behemoth was extremely incompatible with ancient Paris, which was full of cultural relics. Eiffel withstood the pressure and it took more than two years to organize more than 300 workers to finally get it built.

The Eiffel Tower covers an area of ​​10,000 square meters and is 446 meters high, with 15,000 components and 2.5 million rivets. The tower has 3 floors: the first floor is 57 meters; the second floor is 115 meters; the third floor is 274 meters. There is also a layer on top of the weather station. The iron tower is in the shape of a square cone, and the bottom is supported by 4 thick iron pillars to disperse the pressure of the iron tower. There are 1710 steps to climb from the ground to the top of the tower. People with leg strength often climb the tower to compete here to show their heroic qualities.

Group photo in front of the Eiffel Tower

We don’t have the courage to climb, everyone The elevator went to the second floor and looked at the surrounding platforms for a while. On that day, the sky over Paris was cloudy and cold. We only stood on it for a quarter of an hour, and we couldn’t stand it. So, they took the elevator back to the ground. This world-famous iron tower, this majestic building that the French are proud of, we played on it once after all.

After coming down from the Eiffel Tower, we took a few pictures on the lawn of the square, and then we hurried to the Seine by car.

The Seine is one of the largest rivers in France. It runs through downtown Paris and bisects 20 districts within the Paris Circle. There are 14 districts on the north bank of the river and 6 districts on the south bank of the river. Because many famous buildings in Paris are mostly concentrated on both sides of the Seine River, they form a beautiful landscape in the urban area of ​​Paris. Therefore, taking a boat trip on the Seine is also not a fun. Now, dozens of luxury cruise ships cruise the Seine every day, becoming a golden tourist route in Paris.

Paris Seine

We were on a luxury cruise ship, The large screen on the boat shows the cruise line and the scenery on both sides of the strait. The broadcasts are explained in French, English and Chinese in turn, so that tourists can keep abreast of the location of the cruise ship and the famous buildings on both sides of the strait.

Although the wind on the Seine was strong, people shivered from the cold. But tourists still disregard the cold and board the upper deck of the cruise ship to enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Seine. The cameras in the hands of people are making a “click” sound, and they all want to leave the beautiful scenery on this golden line as a permanent memorial. I handed the camera to a companion, chose a position, and just posed for a photo, when a few blondes swarmed up and surrounded me, and then a “click” sounded, and this moment became eternity.

On the Seine in Paris

The cruise ship is traveling at medium speed, one after another on both sides of the river Ancient and majestic buildings passed by before our eyes. Standing on the bow, you can see the Eiffel Tower standing tall on the left bank of the river, and its upper half is completely shrouded in thick clouds. On the right bank of the river, the Egyptian obelisk in the center of the Place de la Concorde pierces the sky; the Louvre Museum on the north bank of the river is huge and majestic; the Notre Dame de Paris on the Isle of Cité is solemn and mysterious. There are also buildings such as the Admiralty, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the High Court, the US Embassy, ​​the German Embassy, ​​the University of Paris, the Bourbon Palace, the Academy of Fine Arts, the Military Museum, etc., all of which have left a deep impression in my mind.

Paris Seine Cruise

Since the Seine from the center of Paris Crossing, so there are many bridges on the river, there are 36 bridges within the halo line. Most of these bridges are old, magnificent, and each one is more artistic than the other. Navigating this waterway is like visiting an open-air museum of bridge art. One of the most majestic, oldest and most distinctive is the Alexander III Bridge. The bridge was built from 1896 to 1900 to celebrate the establishment of the alliance between Russia and France, and was named after the Russian Tsar Alexander III. The Tsar’s son Nicholas II personally attended the inauguration of the bridge.

La Défense

The Pont Alexander III is 107 meters long and 40 meters wide. It is connected to the Champs on the right Boulevard Les Lesées, followed by the Invalides on the left. The decorations and lamps on the bridge are supported by the little Eros with wings. The columns on both sides of the bridge are decorated with French symbols of the Renaissance and Louis XIV periods, as well as symbols of ancient times. The symbol of France and modern France. At the entrances at both ends, there are allegorical decorations symbolizing the Seine and the Neva River in St. Petersburg, Russia. All the sculptures on the bridge are painted with gilt, which makes the whole bridge look resplendent.

The Palace of Versailles is located in the southern suburbs 20 kilometers away from Paris. In 1624, Louis XIII built a hunting castle here. Later, Louis XIV carried out renovations and expansions, and it was not completed until 1689.

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Paris Palace of Versailles

The layout of the Palace of Versailles and the Louvre is roughly similar, and it is also a three-sided building. On one side is the gate of the fence. Entering the gate of the fence is a wide square, and the square is paved with ashlar. Due to the age, the ashlar is damaged and looks a little uneven. The palace consists of several connected yards. The first yard is The government compound has an equestrian statue of Louis XIV in the center of the yard; the second yard is the royal court; the third yard is the “Marble Court”, surrounded by red square bricks and white marble. The interior of the Palace of Versailles is luxuriously decorated, More than 500 halls and small halls are resplendent. The walls are inlaid with colorful marble, and the roof is hung with giant crystal lamps, Qiongzhiyuye, crystal bright. The walls and ceiling of the palace are covered with murals and oil paintings, the content is mainly fairy tales And the king’s record.

The palace building is as high as 3 floors, magnificent and harmonious. There are two huge fountains in the square, and 600 springs can spray water at the same time. 100 bronze statues of goddesses are lifelike.

Southwest of the palace is an imperial garden of 100,000 square meters. The axis is 3 kilometers long, and the passage is straight, forming geometric patterns with flowers and plants, pools, fountains, and colonnades. In the imperial garden, there are forests of trees, lush flowers and plants, and clear water. , the sculptures are fresh. The environment is elegant, the scenery is beautiful, and the tourists are like clouds. It is worthy of being a tourist attraction in Paris.

Okay! The schedule of visiting Paris has been completed. We will leave here soon, Go to Charles de Gaulle airport to fly home. Let’s take another look at Versailles, let’s Take another look at Paris.

Goodbye, Paris!

Goodbye, Europe!