If you have diabetes, you better not do these 7 things!

If you have diabetes, you better not do these 7 things!

Some people with diabetes are easily worried after being diagnosed with diabetes, and don’t know what to pay attention to, for fear that they may accidentally make mistakes or eat wrongly and affect their blood sugar.

Don’t worry, Xiaoshu has summed up these easy-to-ignore precautions for you, let’s see if you have been caught?

Don’t eat heavy food

Many people with diabetes simply think that people with diabetes do not It’s fine to eat sweet ones, and it’s perfectly fine to eat heavy-tasting foods often.

In fact, salt and oil are also great enemies of diabetes. We all know that diabetes is not a “lone ranger”, and many people with diabetes often have high blood pressure and high blood lipids. If the diet is not restricted, it may lead to uncontrolled blood pressure and blood lipids, aggravating the risk of arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

Don’t do strenuous exercise

Many people with diabetes hear that exercise can lower blood sugar, so they start exercising a lot and don’t walk enough every day 10,000 to 20,000 steps, don’t give up until you finish four or five kilometers.

In fact, only reasonable exercise can help blood sugar. If you do vigorous exercise regardless of your own situation, it is easy to cause hypoglycemia, even when the exercise intensity is too high Blood sugar may not fall but rise, and may also induce adverse consequences such as cardiovascular accidents (such as angina pectoris, elevated blood pressure).

Don’t smoke

For ordinary people, smoking is not very harmful to the body, not to mention the sugar friends themselves The weaker the resistance, the greater the harm of smoking.

Tobacco will produce harmful toxins such as nicotine and tar when it is burned. After these toxins enter the human body, it will not only affect the pancreas that secretes insulin, but also easily. Leads to increased resistance of body tissues to insulin, which also increases the risk of various diabetes complications.

Don’t binge drink

Alcohol can damage the function of the pancreas, causing blood sugar to fluctuate. Excessive alcohol can also easily lead to loss of blood sugar control, increasing the risk of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, and gout.

So sugar lovers should limit the amount of alcohol they drink and not indulge in booze.

Don’t stay up all night

If you sleep well, you will be healthy. Staying up late not only accelerates human aging, but also affects various organs of the body.

Staying up late will stimulate the activity of the cerebral cortex, causing the body to secrete some hormones that increase blood sugar. Similarly, staying up late will also increase blood pressure. Staying up late for a long time will also lead to a decline in the body’s ability to resist diseases, making it more prone to colds and gastrointestinal diseases.

So people with diabetes should work and rest regularly to ensure enough sleep time and high-quality sleep quality.

Don’t lose your temper

Uncontrolled emotions can cause imbalances in the regulation of hormones in the body, resulting in uncontrolled blood sugar. The more you lose your temper, the worse your blood sugar control becomes, which in turn exacerbates emotional problems. This is a vicious cycle. Therefore, sugar friends should maintain a balanced state of mind, communicate and understand more, and lose their temper will not solve the problem.

Don’t pursue home remedies

I believe that all people with diabetes know the fact that diabetes cannot be cured at present, but some people But I don’t believe in this evil. I see advertisements on the streets or hearsays, and think that diabetes can be cured by relying on local remedies and earth remedies.

As everyone knows, this is not only a waste of money, but may also aggravate the disease! Diabetics must adhere to regular treatment, follow medicines, and do not blindly pursue home remedies.

Source Dongbao Shulin Care

Introduction to Endocrinology Department of the First Hospital

1989 Endocrinology professional group established in 2003, independent clinic in 2003, independent ward in 2006,2011Independent Ward. The Department of Endocrinology is the only department in the specialty of endocrinology and metabolism in Zhangjiakou City that has postgraduate studentsrecruitment and training qualifications. The only major in internal medicine (endocrinology and metabolism) in Zhangjiakou Citynational resident physician Standardized trainingA department that recruits and trains qualifications. National levelProfessional for the filing of quality specifications for drug clinical trials (GCP) , Chinese Medical Association Diabetes Health Education and Management Certification Unit, Diabetes In-Hospital Blood Glucose Management Training Practice Base, Hebei Province Growth and Short Stature Disease Alliance Unit, Hebei Province rare diseaseMember unit, Youth Civilization of Hebei Province, Communist Youth League. He has undertaken several provincial continuing education projects and national continuing education projects in Hebei Province, and has won the hospital-level advanced department” for many times. , Advanced Nursing Group and other titles. The Department of Endocrinology will strive to build a learning team with noble medical ethics, superb medical skills, high-quality service, unity and cooperation, and a national key endocrinology specialty in northwestern Beijing, which integrates medical education and research, and features endocrine and metabolic diseases as diagnosis and treatment.

Annual outpatient volume of endocrinology department6.71ten thousand person-times, ward beds65Zhang, hospitalized 1835 person-times per year. There are 15 physicians in the Department of Endocrinology, including the chief physician1, and the deputy chief physician< span>7persons, attending physician4persons, resident physicians3persons. There are 17 nurses in the Department of Endocrinology, including the chief nurse7, with 2Nurses hold diabetes education specialist nurse certificates.

Endocrinology is a key discipline at the hospital level, with endocrinology specialist clinics, growth and development clinics, adrenal clinics, obesity clinics, thyroid clinics, and general clinics , Missions outpatient clinic. Diabetes and thyroid diseases are common diseases in endocrinology. Currently, the sub-specialties of endocrinology include growth and development, endocrine hypertension, obesity and special types of diabetes. The diseases involved include diabetes, thyroid disease, abnormal growth and development, adrenal disease, pituitary disease, Gonadal disease, osteoporosis, obesity and other endocrine and metabolic diseases.

Department of Endocrinology Tel: 0313-8041513 8041512

Department of Endocrinology Team of the First Affiliated Hospital and Good Doctor Online Unite strong>launched

Endocrine and Metabolic DiseasesOnline Clinic Service!

The contact information for some physicians is as follows:

img class=”content_title” height=”300″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw” src=”https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/OKum2AOdebicGNu5beQNHGHicYPJhcd9U3uZWD5mX90IEpAO14oo9qOHmPqGzuIFqxicNqLSa0ctugxGzqGbBxVA” width =”600″>The Endocrinology Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University is dedicated to providing you with high-quality medical care services!

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It is difficult for Wuheng to be a doctor, and he must be diligent and persistent in any study. This is especially the case in medicine. The special thing about the profession of a doctor is that he touches patients with every move and every move. He has better medical skills and can live at any time, while his medical skills are poor and can harm people at any time. Studying hard and being rude in medical skills is irresponsible for the patient’s life. Of course, studying diligently does not mean that you can completely solve the disease. /strong>

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