How to treat folliculitis

Folliculitis is a very common skin disease. After the disease, people will have symptoms such as redness, swelling, pain and itching in the affected area. These conditions will affect everyone’s skin health, and there will also be more serious skin problems, including hair follicles. How to treat the inflammation? There are many reasons for people’s folliculitis, everyone should pay attention to it.

How to treat folliculitis

1. Local treatment

The onset time of folliculitis is different, The severity of the disease is also different, and the site of the disease may only be local. When treating patients, local treatment methods should be used. Local treatment can achieve therapeutic effects through sterilization and anti-inflammatory, but local treatment requires professional doctors.

2. Systemic treatment

Folliculitis is local when it first develops, but If it does not heal for a long time, it will develop to the whole body. People with systemic symptoms should pay special attention in life. In life, they should control their diet, eat less spicy and irritating food, pay attention to environmental hygiene, and do a good job in skin cleaning and maintenance.

3. Drug treatment

Folliculitis is a very common disease because it is difficult to treat. After getting folliculitis, patients should be treated as soon as possible. The common treatment method is drug treatment. Drug treatment mainly includes oral drugs and topical drugs, and both can be used simultaneously for treatment.

4. Physical therapy

Folliculitis can also use some physical therapy methods, physical therapy methods Including ultraviolet or ultrashort wave irradiation for treatment. However, this kind of treatment must go to a professional and regular hospital for treatment. If you go to an irregular hospital, it may lead to more serious symptoms.

Causes of folliculitis

First, pathogenic bacteria cause folliculitis. The main pathogenic bacteria are Streptococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas sp. Some primary diseases are also accompanied by different degrees of folliculitis. Such as hormonal dermatitis, eczema, acne, diabetes, chronic lesions, encephalitic dermatitis, itchy skin diseases, etc.

Second, folliculitis caused by skin maceration. For example, always sweating, always being irritated by various liquids, and not cleaning in time, causing clogged pores. All of these causes can cause folliculitis.