How to improve stomach fire 4 ways to put out fire to help you get rid of stomach fire

As the saying goes: “Spring covers the autumn frost, no miscellaneous diseases.” In spring, the weather changes greatly, and it is easy to appear warm and cold. Coupled with the return to the earth in spring, the human body’s yang qi begins to tend to the surface, and the reason is It began to become loose, and the resistance to cold evil was weakened. Once encountering the “cold in spring”, people often feel that they are “not as resistant to freezing as autumn”, especially the elderly, children, mothers, and patients with chronic diseases, who are prone to cold due to maladaptation, leading to the occurrence of various diseases.

“Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” says, “Nourishing Yang in spring and summer, nourishing Yin in autumn and winter”. Nourishing Yang in spring and summer, that is, nourishing and nourishing. In terms of spirit, diet and daily life, spring health preservation must conform to the characteristics of spring yang qi and the beginning of all things, pay attention to protecting yang qi, and focus on the word “sheng”. So, how should spring cover “cover”?

Cover your stomach. It is mainly to cover the navel, which is also called Shenque Point. Warming here can stimulate the yang qi of the spleen and stomach. Especially for some people who are afraid of cold in the stomach and love diarrhea, they should pay special attention to the warmth of the navel.

Cover your feet. The cold starts from the foot, and the health care of the four seasons should pay attention to keeping the feet warm. In spring, clothing should be “thick at the bottom and thin at the top”, which not only nourishes the yang but also reduces the yin. If the lower body is too warm, the upper body can be slightly reduced, so as to allow the yang qi to grow.

Cover your back. According to TCM theory, the back belongs to Yang, and the Governor Vessel running through the entire back is also known as the “sea of ​​Yang Vessels”. The lower waist is also the home of the kidneys. People with poor gastrointestinal tract and kidney yang deficiency should not be in a hurry to wear low-waisted pants.

Of course, the degree of “covering” should be based on feeling warm and not sweating. If you don’t feel dry throat or sweat when you “cover”, even if the temperature is a little higher, you don’t need to rush to reduce your clothes. If you feel that your body is sweating after “covering”, you should change clothes early, otherwise you will easily catch a cold if you sweat “covering”. If the maximum temperature for two consecutive weeks is above 15 degrees Celsius, and it is relatively stable, then there is no need to “cover”.

People’s Daily (19th edition on April 8, 2022)