How to improve bad breath 4 ways to eliminate bad breath must be kept

Halitosis is an unbearable problem for many people. It will be very embarrassing to have bad breath when people are talking to each other at close range. If you have bad breath, you need to adjust it immediately. So how can you improve it? There are many reasons for people’s bad breath. Such as bad eating habits, as well as disease factors. What food is good for halitosis patients?

How to improve bad breath

1. Pay attention to oral hygiene

Some people’s bad breath may be caused by not paying attention to hygiene. People with bad breath should always keep their mouths clean and hygienic, and maintain good tooth brushing habits, which can reduce the occurrence of bad breath. Everyone should brush their teeth in the morning and evening, and rinse their mouths as soon as possible after eating to remove food residues left in the teeth, which can reduce bad breath.

2. Have good eating habits

The appearance of bad breath may be related to diet, if Everyone always eats foods with strong taste such as leeks, green onions and garlic, which will increase the symptoms of bad breath. In life, everyone should stay away from these foods, otherwise it may aggravate the symptoms of bad breath. In terms of diet, everyone should eat a light diet, drink plenty of water, and eat fresh fruits and vegetables often.

3. Eliminate stomach fire in time

There are many reasons for people’s bad breath, in addition to not paying attention to the cleaning of the mouth, it may also be caused by excessive stomach fire . A strong stomach can cause symptoms such as constipation, swollen gums and bad breath, among which bad breath is a typical symptom. At this time, everyone should pay attention to a light diet and take medicine for treatment.

4. Eliminate oral diseases

There are many oral diseases, including swollen gums, dental caries, thrush, gingivitis, oral ulcers, pulpitis, etc. Diseases are relatively common. If these diseases are not treated in time, they will also cause bad breath. Therefore, when you find that your bad breath is caused by oral diseases, you need to treat the primary disease in time. Do not regard oral diseases as just minor diseases, which will cause very serious harm.

Causes of bad breath

1. Long-term staying up late

The occurrence of bad breath is related to staying up late. Many people have irregular work and rest, and often have the behavior of staying up late. Long-term staying up late is the main culprit that accelerates the aging of the body and causes bad breath. After staying up late, the patient’s body endocrine level is affected, and the mental tension after staying up late will also produce an unpleasant odor under the combined action of these adverse factors.

Therefore, people who often have bad breath should know whether their work and rest are regular. If there is an incorrect work and rest behavior, they should adjust it in time to ensure sufficient sleep time for improvement.

2. Not paying attention to oral hygiene

The patient’s frequent bad breath may be caused by not paying attention to oral hygiene. The proliferation of bacteria and the accumulation of oral food residues may damage the oral health environment. Under the combined action of these adverse factors, it is easy to cause bad breath.

Therefore, if the patient has bad breath inexplicably, they should know whether there is a health problem in their oral cavity, and take reasonable medication to improve it if necessary. This restores a clean and hygienic state of the oral cavity, without the influence of bacterial growth, the bad breath will be solved, and the persistent bad breath will not affect the health of the body.

3. Get angry