How to get rid of acne 4 ways to get rid of acne to make acne disappear quickly

Acne is a relatively common skin disease. It is a serious disease. After acne occurs, there will be local pain and redness. How to get rid of acne? There are many reasons for people’s acne, such as It’s a diet problem, and a drug factor. How to prevent acne in daily life?

How to remove acne

First: regulate endocrine. Some people have acne mainly because of endocrine disorders. At this time, what everyone needs to do is to adjust the endocrine. If there is no correct treatment during the acne period, it may aggravate the facial infection and the acne problem. Everyone You should adjust your routine.

Second: Treat acne properly. After the acne appears on the skin, it is basically in the form of a pustule. At this time, the patient can find a professional to clean the pustule and squeeze out the pus in the pustule. This is mainly to speed up the healing of the acne. After correct treatment, everyone should To do a good job of disinfection.

Third: add water. After discovering that you have acne on your skin, you should add moisture to your body. Some people have acne mainly because of the strong secretion of oil. If a lot of oil is secreted, it is caused by lack of water. In this case, it is necessary to add moisture to the skin and apply more moisturizing masks.

Fourth: Traditional Chinese Medicine. For some people with more severe acne, they can be conditioned by taking traditional Chinese medicine at ordinary times. Compared with Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine will have less side effects, and during the period of taking traditional Chinese medicine, it can have a systemic conditioning effect on the body.

Causes of acne

1. There are many common causes of acne in life, such as endocrine In dysfunctional patients, the secretion of male hormones in the body increases, which stimulates the continuous secretion of sebaceous glands, resulting in blockage of the sebaceous ducts of the hair follicles, and the secretions accumulate in the hair follicles to form acne. Dietary reasons can also cause acne, such as drinking and smoking a lot, eating spicy food and fried food, etc. These foods can stimulate the secretion of sebum and easily induce acne.

2. Drug reasons. Drugs containing male hormones or similar molecular structures can cause endocrine imbalance in the user, which indirectly leads to excessive secretion of sebaceous glands and causes acne.

3. Excessive secretion of sebaceous glands, coupled with blockage of hair follicles and sebaceous gland ducts, and accompanied by bacterial infection, can easily cause acne. After a person enters puberty, the secretion of hormones in the body rises rapidly, and the sebaceous glands produce a large amount of sebum that cannot be excreted through the sebaceous ducts of the hair follicles. In addition, the sebaceous ducts are abnormally keratinized, and it is easy to block the hair follicle ducts and form keratin plugs or acne. This is called The origin of acne. It has now been found that P. acnes breaks down sebum into free fatty acids, which chemoattract inflammatory cells and mediators, leading to skin inflammation.