Grain Rain | Producing a hundred grains is the most important thing to prevent dampness and strengthen the spleen! This recipe deals with the problem of damp and evil invasion

Rain gives birth to all kinds of grains and all kinds of spring! Grain Rain is the last solar term in spring. As the foreshadowing of summer, with the arrival of Grain Rain, the rain is more abundant and the climate is warmer.

“The Lunar Order·Seventy-two Hours Collection” It is said: “In the middle of the third month, after the rain, the soil paste pulsates, and now it rains the grain in the water… The grain is sown at this time, from bottom to top”, and the name of Grain Rain is derived from this.

At this time, the weather is getting warmer, the rain is increasing, and the Problems such as foggy, heavy limbs, loss of appetite, and diarrhea follow one after another. So what should we do in response to these problems?

The phenology of Grain Rain has three types: one is when the Ping is born;

A Ping Begins

After the Grain Rain , the rainfall increased and the climate was warm, and the duckweed grew rapidly in the pond.

The dove flies its feathers

Doves are cuckoos. At this time, the cuckoos are ready to move, shaking their feathers in the mountains and forests, and calling out to remind people to sow hundreds of grains.

The third candidate, Dai Ren, descended to Sang

Dai Ren is the hoopoe, and the hoopoe bird flying over the branches of the mulberry tree indicates that the weather is very warm.

As the saying goes, “Grain rain is a prosperous flood, and a moment is worth a thousand dollars. ” With the arrival of Grain Rain, the precipitation gradually increased, and those crops that liked humidity and warmth could start to be planted.

Before and after the Grain Rain, the temperature began to rise in various places, the rainfall increased, the humidity was high, and the weather was unpredictable. Therefore, according to the climate characteristics, we need to prevent “dampness” from attacking and hurting the body.

Today, for this “dampness”, a Get up and learn about an ancient Chinese recipe of “strengthening the spleen and removing dampness” – Shenling Baizhu San.

Before and after the Grain Rain, the moisture pervades the human body, and the moisture disturbs the human body, causing the human body to move from the inside to the outside. People are prone to symptoms such as heavy limbs, loss of appetite, diarrhea, drowsiness, etc., and it is easy to induce diseases such as gastroenteritis.

And if you already suffer from various joint diseases, such as Rheumatoid arthritis, etc., are also easily induced or aggravated in this solar term. And Shenling Baizhu Powder is our magic weapon to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness and help us fight against dampness.

Shenling Baishu San, is a prescription in the official prescription book “Taiping Huimin Heji Ju Fang” in the Song Dynasty. It mainly treats “Weakness of the spleen and stomach, poor diet, more sleepiness and less energy, choking, dyspnea, vomiting and diarrhea, and typhoid fever and coughing.”and other symptoms.

Shenling Baizhu San

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Composition: lotus seed flesh (peeled, 1 pound) Coix seed (1 pound) Amomum chinensis (1 pound) Platycodon grandiflorum (fried to make dark yellow, 1 kg) White lentils (soaked in ginger juice, peeled, slightly fried for 1.5 kg) White Poria (2 kg) Ginseng (remove reed, 2 kg) Licorice (fried, 2 kg) Atractylodes (2 kg) Chinese yam (2 kg)

Original frying method : The top is fine. Adjust each serving of Erqianzaotang. Addition and subtraction of children’s age.

Modern usage: lotus seeds Meat 9 Coix Seed 9 Amomum Root 6 Campanulaceae 6 White Lentil 12 White Poria 15 Ginseng 15 Licorice 10 Bai Zhu 15 Yam 15

The above traditional Chinese medicines are mixed into powder, and jujube decoction is taken; it can also be used as decoction, 3 jujubes are added, and water is decoction.

Shenling Baizhu San is this formula It is used to treat spleen deficiency and dampness, and has the effect of invigorating the spleen and invigorating the spleen, infiltrating dampness and stopping diarrhea.

Patients who meet the Shenling Baizhu San syndrome often have the following characteristics:Diet is not easy to digest, chest tightness, fullness in the heart cavity, and stomach rumbling easily Cooing, easy diarrhea, weak limbs, weak body, yellow complexion, soft skin, tooth marks on the tongue, pale and greasy tongue coating, weak pulse.

The characteristics of people with Shenling Baizhu San syndrome are: obesity, soft skin, poor exercise tolerance, poor diet, and easy fatigue.

When you use Shenling Baizhu Powder to invigorate the spleen and stomach When , it is more suitable to grind into powder.

If the body is wet and you see diarrhea and watery stools, you need to use decoction, which can be decoctioned directly with the dose given above , you can take it once, twice a day.

Understand the main evidence of Shenling Baizhu San, the following Let’s take a look at the compatibility characteristics and prescriptions of Shenling Baizhu Powder, a “prescription for strengthening the spleen”, and see what its secret of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness is.

Shenling Baizhu San is a comprehensive prescription for nourishing Qi and strengthening the spleen Based on the Four Gentlemen Decoction, ginseng, Atractylodes, Poria, and stir-fried licorice can replenish the Qi of the spleen and stomach, and also dispel dampness and help transport. Combined with yam and lotus seed meat, it can invigorate the spleen and replenish qi, and also dispel dampness and stop diarrhea.

Compatible with white lentils and coix seed to remove dampness and infiltrate dampness to help strengthen the spleen and transport dampness. Add Amomum fragrans aroma to refresh the spleen, invigorate qi and stomach, not only help dehumidification, but also smooth the qi machine. It is compatible with platycodon grandiflorum to spread the lung qi, and it can carry medicine and go up. It has the effect of “cultivating soil and producing gold”.

Fried licorice can invigorate the spleen and the middle, and reconcile the medicinal properties. The combination of various medicines can sweeten and warm the spleen, aromatize dampness to help the spleen and stomach transport and transform, and can introduce medicines into the lungs to cultivate earth and produce gold. Among them, the effect of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness is mainly due to the medicines such as Atractylodes, Poria, and Coix Seed.

Okay, let’s talk to you today Share it here, [remind everyone to find a professional doctor for dialectical conditioning, do not self-medicate]. If you have any questions, please leave a message in the comment area, I am @Traditional Chinese Medicine Teacher Wang talks about skin care , thank you for your attention.