Eating too much greasy food will not only make you fat, but also hurt your brain!

A new study shows that high-fat foods not only increase your waistline, but also damage your brain.

In an international study led by University of South Australia neuroscientists Professor Xinfu Zhou and Associate Professor Larisa Bobrovskaya, researchers gave mice a high-fat diet for 30 weeks. As a result, while the mice developed diabetes, their cognitive ability also deteriorated, and symptoms such as anxiety, depression and Alzheimer’s disease appeared.

Researchers have found a clear link between a high-fat diet and cognitive decline in mice; Since brain changes also contribute to poor metabolism, mice with impaired cognitive function were also more likely to be overweight. The findings were published in Metabolic Encephalopathy.

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University neuroscientist and biochemist Associate Professor Larisa Bobrovskaya said the number of people with Alzheimer’s disease is expected to exceed 100 million by 2050, and the study sheds light on the link between chronic obesity and diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. much evidence.

Possible link between chronic obesity and diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease | Science Photo Library, Jessica Wilson

“Obesity and diabetes damage the central nervous system, exacerbating mental illness and cognitive decline. We demonstrated this in studies in mice,” said Associate Professor Bobrovskaya.

Obesity and diabetes can damage the central nervous system, exacerbate mental illness and cognitive decline


In this study, mice were randomly assigned to a standard diet or a high-fat diet. Monitoring was carried out for 30 weeks starting from when the mice reached 8 weeks of age. The researchers monitored the mice’s food intake, body weight, and glucose levels at various time intervals, along with tests of glucose and insulin resistance and cognitive impairment.

Mice fed a high-fat diet gained significantly more weight, developed insulin resistance, and began to behave abnormally, compared with mice given a standard diet. Transgenic Alzheimer’s mice showed marked cognitive deterioration and pathological changes in the brain after being fed a high-fat diet.

“Obese mice have an approximately 55% increased risk of depression, and diabetes doubles this risk,” Associate Professor Bobrovskaya said. “Our findings underscore that The importance of addressing the global obesity pandemic. The combined effects of obesity, aging and diabetes are very likely to contribute to cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease and other mental health disorders.”


[1]Xiong, J., Deng, I., Kelliny, S. et al. Long term high fat diet induces metabolic disorders and aggravates behavioral disorders and cognitive deficits in MAPT P301L transgenic mice. Metab Brain Dis 37, 1941–1957 (2022).


[3]https:/ /

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< p>Research Team

Corresponding Author Zhou Xinfu: Professor, University of South Australia, 1990 He received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and then worked in the Physiology Department of Flinders University, Australia, where he served as a senior researcher since 1997. In 2012, he transferred to the University of South Australia as a professor. The main research direction: the biological role of neurotrophic factor and neurotrophic factor precursor protein.

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Paper Information

Publishing Journal Metabolic Brain Disease Metabolic Brain Disease

Published June 15, 2022

< span>Paper titleLong term high fat diet induces metabolic disorders and aggravates behavioral disorders and cognitive deficits in MAPT P301L transgenic mice

(DOI: https ://

Article field Neurobiology , Endocrine and Metabolism

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