Chinese medicine treatment of pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea is called “wind-heat sore” in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is a common skin disease with inflammation that can cause pigment changes. The main feature is a rose-colored erythema at the initial onset of the skin lesions, covered with bran-like scales, which will expand after a few days. After a few days or half a month, rose-colored patches of varying sizes will appear one after another, oval in shape, with fine scales on the surface, distributed around the mother spot, some will merge into large pieces, and some will be isolated in one place , accompanied by different degrees of itching, burning and other symptoms. Skin lesions are common on the trunk and extremities, mainly in young and middle-aged people. There is no significant difference in the incidence of males and females. The disease is self-limiting, and the course of the disease usually heals itself within one month to two months, and it is not easy to relapse.

This disease is called “wind-heat sore”, so it must be related to the evil of wind-heat. The evil of external wind-heat invades the human body, hides in the skin, and attacks It is more urgent, the onset is sudden, the disease spreads rapidly, the rash is a round or oval light red plate with a small amount of fine bran-like scales on the surface, accompanied by upset, dry mouth, dry stool, yellow urine, red tongue, thin coating Yellow, floating pulse. Some patients will be accompanied by symptoms of wind-heat cold such as fever and headache, and may also develop pityriasis rosea after wind-heat cold. Treatment: Dispelling the lungs to dissipate heat, dispelling wind and relieving itching. Treat according to the normal treatment methods of cold and cold, drive out the external evils that are in the skin, and pityriasis rosea will be cured naturally.

When there are sub-spots around the mother spot, it belongs to the fact that the evil of wind and heat has invaded the human body and has not been treated in time, and the condition is further aggravated, and the evil starts from the skin into the blood. After the evil heat enters the blood, the erythema develops faster, the color is bright red, like blood soaking, with a burning sensation. At this time, the disease has first entered the blood, and the blood heat should be cleared quickly. The patient is accompanied by symptoms such as thirst, irritability, restlessness, dry stool, short and red urine, red tongue, thin yellow coating, rapid or rapid pulse. Treatment: clearing away heat and cooling blood, dispelling wind and eliminating spots. Ye Tianshi: “When you enter the blood, you are afraid of consuming the blood and moving the blood, and you must cool the blood to disperse the blood.” At this time, there is a situation where the blood is forced by heat. During the treatment, you can add medicines that promote blood circulation and astringe blood, which can speed up the elimination of erythema

Some patients have insufficient endowment and weak body. After the occurrence of pityriasis rosea, the color is light red, and the disease progresses slowly, but it persists for a long time and recurs. Much, often itchy, but not strong itching. The patient has blood deficiency and the skin is dry. Often accompanied by dizziness, easy fatigue, blurred eyes, difficulty falling asleep or insomnia. Pale red tongue, thin white fur, thin pulse. Treatment: nourishing blood and moistening dryness, strengthening the body and eliminating pathogenic factors. There are many cases of such patients with physical deficiency, nourishing from yin deficiency, warming yang from yang deficiency, nourishing qi from qi deficiency…