After both parents contracted cancer, a 28-year-old financial woman was also found to have advanced cancer and spent 4 years fighting cancer with hard core

The probability of developing lymphoma in a lifetime is less than one in a million, and the probability of detecting both lymphoma and lupus erythematosus at the age of 28 is only ten million The seventh, unfortunately, Zhou Yunjiao is that seven ten millionths.

Zhou Yunjiao graduated from a famous university and is engaged in financial work in Shanghai. She earns a lot of money and has the energy to work hard. In 2018, a medical certificate made her life easier Sharp turn down – “follicular lymphoma grade 2 stage 4 combined with systemic lupus erythematosus”.

This is her third battle with cancer. Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007, and her father was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer in 2016. This time it was her turn.

I, 28 years old with advanced cancer, life was drastically compressed

Before the diagnosis, this desperate Sanniang was still working more than ten hours a day. During a company physical examination in 2018, the doctor asked for additional examinations. At that time, Zhou Yunjiao’s first reaction was: how could there be a problem?

But under the strong recommendation of the doctor, she still took the time to go for an examination. While on a business trip to Wenzhou and between meetings, the doctor informed her that the test results came out: follicular lymphoma grade 2 stage 4 . At that time, her PET-CT showed that the muscles and main organs of the body were all shiny lesions.

This is not the first time that Zhou Yunjiao has faced cancer. With her excellent professional qualities, she has included all determinable options into the mind map, and is ready to have a meeting with her. The “hardcore” fight against cancer. Share your anti-cancer experience online as a “brother Zhuzi” to encourage cancer friends.

She miraculously survived this confrontation through efficient and optimized self-management. How did this 28-year-old girl do it?

Second, 4 years of hard-core anti-cancer, work hard to live one more day

1. Adhere to standardized diagnosis and treatment, and see a doctor honestly

How does Zhou Yunjiao manage her disease? She believes that cooperating with doctors efficiently is the best way to reduce detours. She records the data of every visit to the hospital for examination, and sorts out every information point told by the doctor. Through the comparison of information and data, she can better understand herself, and effectively communicate with the doctor to reduce the decision-making cost of the doctor. Reduce tossing, hassle and waste.

Yale University School of Medicine published in Journal of the National Cancer Institute Patients who choose alternative medicine over traditional treatments for cancer are more likely to die from the disease, a study has found. Researchers have found that cancer patients who prefer a variety of “variety” treatment options are more likely to die within five years of their diagnosis.

2, cancer is no different from others, try hard One more day to live

After her diagnosis, Zhou Yunjiao was also confused and uncertain in many aspects, because she was likely to enter the hospital in the next second. Now she is dressed in a bright and beautiful way. If you don’t know it, it is difficult to associate her with cancer. In Zhou Yunjiao’s view, life is full of risks and uncertainties, and cancer is only one of them. Since it is no longer possible to extend the length of life, expand it to satisfy your curiosity and imagination. Even if you are sick, you can live a wonderful life.

An anti-cancer must have a positive attitude! According to relevant statistics, about 66% of cancer patients in my country suffer from depression, 10% suffer from schizophrenia, and 8% suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Most of the patients died not during the treatment period, but during the recovery period. Psychological breakdown, which can be directly reflected in physical condition, hinders the prognosis and recovery of cancer.

3. Use science to manage diet

In the ward, she often listens to To patients and their families discussing “what to eat”. Many patients will think that many “hair objects” cannot be eaten during the treatment. In Zhou Yunjiao’s view, whether a food can be eaten or not, one should first follow the doctor’s advice, secondly ensure hygiene, and thirdly, it should not conflict with treatment. For example, grapefruit may interfere with drug absorption. In addition, mainly meet nutritional standards, and she believes that they are all edible, and there are not so many “taboos”.

Tumor patients, especially those with advanced cancer, are weak after receiving a series of treatments, and malnutrition is most likely to occur at this time. The so-called “fat things”, from a nutritional point of view, are foods rich in high-quality protein and vitamins, which are very suitable for cancer patients.

From a scientific point of view, except for food allergies, or taking medicines, you need to avoid them. Cancer patients do not advocate excessive taboos, and a reasonable diet is the most important thing, so as not to cause malnutrition due to insufficient nutritional intake, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease.

Third, there is a kind of cancer called family cancer, family members should be careful about cancer

Zhou Yunjiao’s family of three all suffer from cancer, but in fact this kind of “family cancer” “It’s not uncommon. Relevant tumor epidemiological research data also show that the phenomenon of familial cancer has an obvious increasing trend.

You Changxuan, Chief Physician of the Department of Oncology, Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University said that in the family, there is one person suffering from cancer , other members may also suffer from cancer, either simultaneously or successively, and the cancerous parts may be the same or different. This is the nature of familial cancer.

Journal of the American Medical Association oncology published a Mayo Clinic paper that stated, more than One in eight cancer patients has a cancer-related heritable genetic mutation.

Many cancers are genetically predisposed, including breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and lymphoma that Zhou Yunjiao’s family encountered.

1, Breast Cancer

Scientific research found that, 5-10% of breast cancer patients are hereditary breast cancer, which is caused by mutations in breast cancer susceptibility genes in the family population. The most common breast cancer susceptibility genes are BRCA1 and BRCA2.

Clinically, hereditary breast cancer patients often have the following characteristics: young onset, triple-negative breast cancer, and more breast cancer patients in the family.

2, colorectal cancer

colorectal cancer It is also a cancer that is largely influenced by genetic factors. About 5% of colorectal cancers are related to genetic diseases. A family history of colorectal cancer increases an individual’s lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer, which is 2-6 times higher than that of an ordinary family.

3, lymphoma

hereditary is lymphoma The “congenital” factor of the onset, and there is a history of lymphoma in the family, then the possibility of the family member suffering from lymphoma is 2 times higher than that of ordinary people.

Genetic factors are uncontrollable, but we can control the carcinogenic “acquired” factor. Cancer has a tendency to cluster in families, but this does not mean that everyone in the family will be inherited. Avoiding “acquired” risks is the top priority of family members. It is hoped that people with a family history of cancer can develop good living habits, have regular physical examinations, and strive for early detection and early treatment even if they are unfortunately diagnosed with cancer. #Number Weekly#


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[3 ] “[National Cancer Prevention and Control Awareness Week] about the “heredity” of breast cancer”. Beijing Tiantan Hospital. 2020-04-19

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