Hernia, that is, a part of human tissue or organ leaves its original position and passes through a gap, defect or weak part of the body Into another part, commonly known as “small intestine gas”. Pain and swelling in the scrotum and lower abdomen, involving the waist, flanks, back, heart socket, and umbilicus, accompanied by extreme coldness of the extremities, cold air rushing the heart, and no seizures as the main manifestations. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, the common ones are emotional discomfort, cold and damp living environment, insufficient qi in the middle, excessive labor in the house, or insufficient congenital endowment in children, or deficiency of liver and kidney in the elderly, and loose muscles and arteries.
【Recipe】: Lycium barbarum, Chinese angelica, Poria cocos, fennel, black medicine, cinnamon, Agarwood.
[addition and subtraction]:
Cold hernia see testicular swollen hard cold pain add litchi core, toosendan, white pepper, alum, dried ginger, grind together, egg white paste and apply to the affected area.
In case of gas hernia, swollen and painful scrotum, stagnation and discomfort in the lower abdomen, and no time to urgency, add Bupleurum, Rhizoma Cyperi, Qingpi, Angelica, Radix Paeoniae Alba, and Radix Ginseng.
For water hernia, if the scrotum is swollen like vesicles and pressed for water sound, add atractylodes rhizome, psyllium seed, Alisma, orange core, woody fragrance, and magnolia bark.
If you see testicular swelling and pain in wet hernia, add red poria cocos, atractylodes rhizome, and psyllium seed.
For patients with testicular swelling seen in blood hernia, remove Qi, osmanthus, and fennel, add peach kernel, safflower, Achyranthes bidentata, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Yuanhu, Chuanxiong, and sumac.
Yang deficiency hernia sees testicular swelling and pain. Whenever tired and scrotal pain occurs, remove cinnamon, Jiashengdi, Chinese cornus, white peony, Phellodendron, Anemarrhena, Achyranthes bidentata, gardenia Son, Toosendan.
Yin-deficiency hernia see testicular swollen hard cold pain synovial essence premature ejaculation, scrotum shrinkage add Rehmannia glutinosa, Chinese cornus , Fuzi Tablets;
Heat hernia sees burning pain in the testicles, fullness in the lower abdomen, constipation in the stool, and short red urine. Above, black medicine, cinnamon, agarwood, add Citrus aurantium, Gardenia Zi, Akebia, Phellodendron, Rhubarb, Silver Flower.
Qi-deficiency hernia see testicular pain, shortness of breath and spontaneous sweating, remove wolfberry, add cohosh, bupleurum, ginger, toosendan. Lychee core, roasted astragalus.
Analysis of traditional Chinese medicine: Hernia refers to a disease caused by abdominal pain leading to the testis, or testicular swelling and pain. According to ancient literature, hernia has a wide range. For example, You Zaijing once pointed out: Hernia suffers from pain, not only testicular swelling and pain. Hernia, that is, the attack and pain in the abdomen, and the person who presses the up and down, is also called hernia, so ancient sages have the theory of abdominal hernia and testicular hernia.
The causes of this disease are different, and the pathogenesis is complicated. All sexual labor, anger, fatigue, and guest evils cause yin and cold, water retention in the interior, and phlegm Heat stasis, qi deficiency subsidence, etc. can be caused. Clinically, there are nine types of cold hernia, gas hernia, water hernia, wet hernia, blood hernia, yin hernia, male hernia, heat hernia, and virtual hernia.
Due to the location of the disease, it is It is where the Ren and Jueyin meridians run, and the liver meridian runs through the lower abdomen and collaterals, so it is generally believed that hernia is a disease of the liver meridian. Therefore, based on the nine-hernia type, the treatment is mainly based on damp meridian dispelling cold, clearing heat and dampness, promoting blood circulation and replenishing qi, nourishing kidney and liver, and obtaining satisfactory curative effect.
Note: Since each person’s constitution and condition are different, the prescriptions in this case are only applicable to this patient The condition at that time. The prescription and dosage in this case shall not be used indiscriminately without TCM diagnosis and treatment. If necessary, readers should go to a regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment, so as not to delay the condition.