Blood routine examination is one of the most common examination items.
It judges diseases by observing the changes and morphological distribution of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. This is the main way doctors diagnose disease.
What diseases can blood routine examination detect?
First, endocrine diseases
Blood routine examination can be used Observing whether there are abnormalities in thyroid hormone levels can assist in the diagnosis of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism; at the same time, it can also be used to assist in the diagnosis of diabetes.
Second, Check for viruses
Blood tests can check for viruses in the body , such as hepatitis virus, syphilis and HIV.
Third, blood system diseases
Blood can check whether there is anemia, evaluate the severity of anemia, and whether iron deficiency occurs;
Leukemia can be detected by observing the shape of red blood cells and the number of white blood cells
By observing the number of white blood cells and neutrophils to judge whether there is a bacterial infection; judge whether there is a platelet disease by observing the number of platelets .
Fourth, abnormal organ function
< p data-track="10">When doing blood tests, look at indicators such as urea nitrogen, transaminase, creatinine, and bilirubin to determine whether there are abnormalities in liver and kidney function; check blood tests to see whether there are indicators such as cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood lipids Abnormal, commonly used in the diagnosis of hyperlipidemia.
Fifth, immune system diseases
Blood tests for antinuclear antibodies, SSB and SSA antibodies to judge or diagnose Stuart syndrome; rheumatoid arthritis should check rheumatoid factor and SM antibody fluid; erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein can be evaluated Disease activity and efficacy.
What is the significance of the indicators on the blood test sheet?
1. Platelet
Under normal circumstances, the platelet count is 100~300×10 9 timessquare.
A low platelet count prolongs the bleeding time, and bleeding occurs with severe injury or stress. Thrombocytopenia is common in hypersplenism, disseminated intravascular coagulation, aplastic anemia, and acute leukemia; thrombocytopenia can be caused by acute massive blood loss or multiple myeloma, or in chronic myelogenous leukemia or after hemolysis acute infection, etc.
2. Hemoglobin
Reduced hemoglobin is most likely anemia, and the severity of anemia is assessed according to the value of hemoglobin. Severe hypoxia, dehydration, and burns can increase the amount of hemoglobin.
3. Red blood cells
Repeated blood donation, hypoxia, Excessive excitement or fear can temporarily increase red blood cell count; tumors and emphysema, extensive burns, plethora, and chronic pulmonary heart disease can increase red blood cell count.
Pregnancy and rapidly growing babies can cause low red blood cell counts; vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiencies, iron deficiency, leukemia, and acute heavy bleeding can also cause low red blood cell counts.
4. White blood cells
The white blood cell count can initially determine whether there is a bacterial infection.
Bacterial infections, bleeding, poisoning, and leukemia can increase white blood cell counts; blood disorders, autoimmune diseases, radiation and chemotherapy, viral infections, and Patients taking the drug can reduce white blood cell counts.
All kinds of diseases found so far can be detected by routine blood test.
When performing the test, in order to ensure the accuracy of the test, people should fast for 8 hours before the blood test.
Do not eat high-fat and high-protein foods, do not drink too much alcohol, and make sure you have enough sleep one week before the blood draw.