[Look, their old age is like a teenager] (3) Started to learn Sanda at the age of 62, this old man is a bit “cool”

Wang Haidong, the manager and coach of Nanjing Aibosen Gym, has more than ten years of experience in the industry and has won medals in national competitions. He mainly teaches children Sanda and Kickboxing, with students ranging from children to adults. “Some parents bring their children, hoping to develop the habit of exercising from an early age; some are adults who come to study, hoping to strengthen their body, increase fat and lose weight.” Although he has brought many students, one day three years ago, Mr. Yao, 62, was a 62-year-old. When he came to school, Wang Haidong was still a little surprised.

Mr. Yao, 65, is “sparring” with Coach Wang

“Ms. Yao said that he likes Sanda very much, since he was young. But he was busy with work and didn’t have time to practice. After retirement, I have plenty of time, so I want to exercise through boxing, so that I can do it. The ‘dream’ when I was young.” Wang Haidong introduced that Mr. Yao’s physical condition at that time was not very good, and he also encountered many problems in the process of practicing boxing, such as poor cardiopulmonary function, poor coordination, decreased muscle endurance, etc. . But these are not big problems. The key is that Mr. Yao likes it very much, and recognizes and accepts that he can punch well.

“Boxing is actually very simple. It is also one of the most comprehensive exercises in all sports at present.” Wang Haidong introduced that boxing-related training includes: whole-body strength, cardiopulmonary function, coordination , body sensitivity, body emergency response, concentration, balance, spirit and so on. For 3 years, Mr. Yao insisted on doing these trainings, and now he is in better spirits, more stamina, better muscular endurance, and looks younger compared to his peers. “Sometimes when young students come to practice, they will meet him, and they all say that this grandfather is “cool”.”

However, Wang Haidong also reminded that it is very challenging for coaches to teach old people boxing. He suggested that you must find out the physical condition of the elderly before boxing. “This is very important.” It mainly includes: fully understanding whether the elderly students have heart and brain diseases; how the joints of the body can withstand; Warm up; control boxing strength, rhythm and target strength; conduct boxing auxiliary training, do what you can, and teach according to people; always keep safety first, prevent sports injuries, etc.

Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Ma Yan

Proofreading Faye Wong