Wudalianchi World Geopark Scenic Spot in Heilongjiang is open to students nationwide free of charge

This article is transferred from: People’s Daily Online – Heilongjiang Channel

People’s Daily Online Harbin, July 25th (Han Tingpeng) On July 25th, the Wudalianchi Scenic Area Management Committee issued an announcement that the Wudalianchi Global Geopark scenic spot It is free for students of primary and secondary schools nationwide.

The Wudalianchi Scenic Area has 3 world-class and 25 national-level laurels, including the Global Geopark, the World Biosphere Reserve, the Green List of the Best Protected Areas in the World, the National 5A-level Tourist Scenic Spot, and the National Key Scenic Spot. With the outstanding value of volcanic geology and biodiversity in the world, it is a resort for studying volcanic geological science, biology, mineral spring environmental medicine, the first choice for youth summer camps, and the best place for summer vacation.

In order to cooperate with the National Geopark Network Center’s initiative to implement preferential policies such as ticket reduction and exemption for university, middle and primary school students nationwide, Wudalianchi Global Geopark Park, Longmen Shizhai, Crystal Palace, Geqiu Mountain Tianchi and other scenic spots are open to students of primary and secondary schools nationwide free of charge, providing green channels for students to conduct research activities and summer camp activities. This notice is published from July 25, 2022 to 2022 July 29, free opening time: July 30, 2022 – September 1, 2022.

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