Summer list of gynecological diseases, sisters should pay attention!

The hot summer is the prosperous period for bacteria to multiply, and the incidence of gynecological diseases in summer is 30% higher than that in other seasons.

Remind female friends that gynecological inflammation will increase with the rise of temperature. Prevention of gynecological diseases.


The most common female disease in summer is vaginitis. This disease is often accompanied by typical symptoms such as abnormal genital itching, sometimes burning sensation, increased vaginal discharge, and a slight odor.

Vaginitis is a general term for a variety of vaginal mucosal inflammatory diseases caused by different etiologies. When the natural defenses of the vagina are disrupted, pathogens can easily invade, causing vaginitis.

Nursing Tips1. Do not abuse antibiotics:< /span>Antibiotics may inhibit some beneficial flora, and mold will take the opportunity to multiply; 2. Wash underwear separately: Mold can be on the surface of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and in the nails Breed in large numbers in other places. If your family members or yourself suffer from tinea pedis, onychomycosis, etc., it is easy to cause fungal cross infection. Therefore, underwear must be washed separately. 3. Properly clean the vulva: The content of glycogen and acidity in the vagina of female diabetic patients are high, and they are easy to be attacked by mold. Therefore, while controlling blood sugar, you should also pay attention to cleaning the vulva and choose safe care products. 4. Diet conditioning: The diet should be light, avoid spicy stimulation, so as not to cause damp heat or consume Yin and blood. Pay attention to diet and nutrition, enhance physical fitness, and go out to exorcise evil spirits.

Very easy to ignore:Urethritis

< p>Because of the special physiological structure, summer is the season of urethritis in women. In the hot summer, women’s urethra and bladder are prone to congestion and swelling. When sweating a lot and drinking less water, the urine is small and thick, and the invading bacteria cannot be washed out in time, which increases the chance of bacterial infection.

Care Tips1. Keep drinking plenty of water:< /span>The urine excreted by the kidneys has a flushing effect on the bladder and urethra, which is conducive to the discharge of bacteria. Drinking a lot of water every day and urinating once every 2-3 hours can avoid the reproduction of bacteria in the urinary tract and reduce the risk of urinary tract infection. morbidity. 2. Pay attention to personal hygiene: A large number of bacteria live in the female genitals and urethra, which is a prerequisite for the occurrence of urinary tract infections. Therefore, always pay attention to the cleanliness of the genitals,Change underwear, especially in the newlyweds, menstruation, pregnancy and puerperium.

“img class=”content_title” height=”300″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw” src=”″ width=”600g” class=”content_title” height=”300″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw” src=””600″>Severe consequences:Cervicitis

The increase in leucorrhea caused by cervicitis in summer will make women feel very uncomfortable, especially in the yellow plum season, the air humidity itself is very high, and excessive leucorrhea will make women feel the lower body Feeling wet and uncomfortable.

cervical inflammation is one of the common diseases in women, it is divided into acute cervicitis and chronic cervicitis. Chronic cervicitis is mostly caused by untreated acute cervicitis. Or the treatment is not completely transformed.

Care Tips1. Do not wash with hot water:

Some people mistakenly think that washing the vulva with clean water is the safest, or even scalding with hot water after vaginal itching. In fact, this is a misunderstanding.

Contrary to common sense and self-righteousness, it will make the genital flora imbalance, local inflammation, make itching worse, and even cause vaginitis, vaginal dryness, and unpleasant sex life.

2. Attention to diet:

Avoid spicy fried and warm foods: Spicy and fried foods such as Chili, fennel, pepper, onion, mustard, roast chicken, fried pork chops, etc.; warm foods such as beef, mutton, dog meat, etc. can help heat the heat and aggravate the disease.

Abstain from fresh hair products in Haixing River: Sea fish, crabs, shrimps, clams, clams, oysters, abalone and other aquatic products are hair products. Helps reduce inflammation.

Abstain from drinking alcohol: Alcohol is a warm and stimulating food. After drinking, it will aggravate the damp heat and make the disease worse.