Does the heart rate affect everyone’s lifespan? Tell you the normal beating range, don’t cross the standard line

Meeting a loved one, the deer’s heart rate increases; when nervous, the heartbeat seems to jump out of the throat; some people say that the number of heartbeats is limited, whoever beats first will go first? At the same time, it is also a hint to everyone: the speed of the heartbeat means the length of life.

How many times does the heart beat in a lifetime?

According to statistics, the heart beats 2.5 billion to 3 billion times in one’s life. As long as the person has vital signs, the heart will beat and perform due diligence. Work conscientiously. In other words, from the point of view of physical health, the heartbeat can also reflect physical health to a certain extent.

Does the heart rate affect everyone’s lifespan?

For human beings, the heartbeat has a standard line. When a normal adult is almost stationary, the number of heartbeats per minute is 60~100 times, on average That’s about 75 beats per minute. With the increase of age, as well as gender, or emotions and other factors, the heartbeat range of each person also has certain differences.

For example, the difference between men and women, even in the same state, the heart rate of women is a little faster than that of men; and the heart rate of the elderly is higher than that of the younger group Slowness, physical diseases and other factors, including heart disease, coronary heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc., and also accompanied by dyspnea, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, general malaise and other discomforts;

There are also special groups, such as people who exercise regularly, or fitness trainers. Due to daily high-intensity aerobic exercise, the cardiopulmonary function is very strong, and the muscles around the heart are also very strong. The lung capacity is large, and the heart rate will be reduced, even below 60 beats per minute.

But this does not mean that a slow heartbeat is a long-lived person. For most people, the heartbeat is in the normal range, that is, the beat frequency is 60~100 beats per minute. Yes, it will not affect the lifespan.

What to really watch out for: irregular heartbeat

especially if you have heart disease or are elderly , When the heart rhythm is abnormal, so that it develops into sinus rhythm, the heart rate will be particularly abnormal, and it may even lead to more than 350 beats per minute. When it affects various muscle fibers in the atrium, it will lead to atrial fibrillation.

Therefore, if you have frequent heart palpitations, chest tightness with obvious pressure, shortness of breath, and dizziness recently, you should pay attention to the health of your heart, and check your heartbeat regularly. Avoid overwork, stress, coffee, etc.

For the heart is not good, in terms of exercise, do not do too intense aerobic exercise, once the heartbeat is obviously abnormal during the exercise, you should stop immediately and actively adjust your own mood, avoid exacerbating the condition, creating a more serious threat, and even life expectancy.